[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Ansi code

n350bq@tamuts.tamu.edu (Duane Fields) (04/21/91)

Where can I get a list of the Amiga ansi escape codes for stuff
like bold, italics, inverse, etc....


| Duane Fields              |     Friends don't     |  President, aTmiga club |
| Box 1315                  |    let friends use    |  Fone#   (409) 847-6760 |
| College Station, Tx 77841 |        MS-DOS.        |  n350bq@tamuts.tamu.edu |

bj@cbmvax.commodore.com (Brian Jackson) (04/23/91)

In article <15021@helios.TAMU.EDU> n350bq@tamuts.tamu.edu (Duane Fields) writes:
>Where can I get a list of the Amiga ansi escape codes for stuff
>like bold, italics, inverse, etc....

In the Addison-Wesley Rom Kernel Manuals (Libraries & Devices). See the
chapter on the console device.

 | Brian Jackson  Software Engineer, Commodore-Amiga Inc.  GEnie: B.J. |
 | bj@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com    or  ...{uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!bj     |
 | "My beer comes from farther away than your beer."                   |