[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Trackballs for sale

al885@CWNS9.INS.CWRU.EDU (Gerard Pinzone a.k.a. Ataru Moroboshi) (04/23/91)

I am selling genuine Atari trackballs that have been modified for use with
the Atari ST or Amiga computers. They work exactly as a mouse and are
available for a limited time. These are NOT the bulky 2600 models. These
are smaller and have superior buttons to the 2600 version.

For a standard trackball (left mouse button only): $25

For a trackball plus (left and right mouse buttons and a 6 foot cord): $35

Both trackballs are totally compatable with the Atari ST or Amiga mouse.
Please specify if you want it for the ST or Amiga if you plan to order.

Please include $5 for postage and handling for each order.

If you are definately going to order, please let me know ahead of time
so I can process your order more quickly.

=========Gerard Pinzone=======================gpinzone@george.poly.edu=========
    _______   ________   ________    Just on the border of your waking mind
   /   ___/  /  _____/  /  __   /    There lies another time
  /   ___/  /  /____   /  __   /     Where darkness and light are one
 /______/  /_______/  /__/ /__/      And as you tread the halls of sanity
        East Coast Anime             You feel so glad to be unable to go beyond
ELO: "Prologue"  -=-  Daicon IV      I have a message from another time...