[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Looking for ZOO and LHARC for a VAX/VMS

Gelson Dias Santos <GELSON%SBU.UFRGS.ANRS.BR@uicvm.uic.edu> (04/23/91)

I use a VAX/VMS to ftp software for my amiga and I would like to know where
can I find ZOO and LHARC decompressors for that machine. I want to test the
files before take it to home.

* Gelson Dias Santos  *  Bitnet/Internet: GELSON@SBU.UFRGS.ANRS.BR  *
*                     *  Sorry, english is not my native language!  *
*       BRAZIL        *           (Alguem fala portugues?)          *