[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A3000UX, missing icon.library HELP!

ptavoly@cs.ruu.nl (Peter Tavoly) (04/23/91)

Hi, cs.ruu.nl received two A3000 UX's last friday :).

Tech notes:

hardy.cs.ruu.nl : 200MB/9MB/C= monochrome (I don't know the number, but it's
the one with a green led in the C= logo: Hedley/2024?)

laurel.cs.ruu.nl : 100MB/5MB/C= 1950.

Hardy is configured for UNIX only, laurel for AmigaDOS only (I don't
know why this was done, I thought that the big advantage was lying in
the dual possibilities.). They will probably stay for a month,
followed by evaluation, endless staff meetings, coffee, exchange of
Interceptor tricks and replacement of the Cyber mainframe by a couple of
A3000's :)

Test messages at thomas@hardy.cs.ruu.nl are welcome.


1. The disks that came with them did not contain the info- and the
icon.library, is there a slight chance that these have moved to ROM, and if
so, why do I get a requester wanting icon.library v36 or higher (and a
recoverable alert on cancel) on LoadWB? If not, could you be the one who
sends them to me? Please use ptavoly@praxis.cs.ruu.nl for this. (I know about
copyrights, but by the time C= official personnel sends us an update disk,
the testing period will have expired by 3.14 months...)

2. I heard something about a workbench.library, w2. I heard something about a workbench.library, what is this?

3. There is a reference at ENVARC: in the startup-sequence, what is this?
It is not a directory, a path, an assign or a disk wanted by workbench. Is
it magic? Furthermore, who do you think I am to RTFM :) ? I have not looked
into that, I like to use my Intuition :)

4. Do zou know where I can get LHArc and Zoo for UNIX? I can't seem to find
them on the harddisk..

First impressions (IMHO :): I arrived half an hour too late, by that time the
systems were up and running.. :) The AmigaDOS comfiguration (laurel) seems a
step back after ARP, but my view is not yet complete, as I am a shell freak,
and have not had the opportunity to use the GUI because of the missing

The UNIX configuration is fast without X (small wonder with that huge
font, resembles CGA (Yuck!) ), and with X running slower than 
the workstations I used to work with (HP 9000/340 diskless (68030/25Mhz).


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          ____
Thomas Tavoly, Commercial Computer Science - HEAO Utrecht, NL.           / / /
"Whoever talks too much, has no time to think." - Peter Tavoly.       AMIGA /
Favourite quote: "The Mac OS is amazingly complex,               ____  / / /
 .sig v3.0e       given how little it does." - Peter da Silva    \ \ \/ / /
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>> ptavoly@praxis.cs.ruu.nl <<~~~~~~~~~  \_\_\/_/