[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Do *I* have the Walker Demo???

PFREY%drew.bitnet@pucc.princeton.edu (04/21/91)

I read one of the many walker I & II messages, and thought to myself, "Maybe
*I* might have this walker demo they talk highly of...just under a different

In it, is a raytraced image of a figure similar to a child's glossy painted
wood toy.  It 'walks' as if going from the left to the right of my screen,
though it actually never moves from the center of the screen.  The background
is black, and his feet are reflected upon the floor.  To further increment
the effect of induced and apparent movement of the figure, a name, presumably
that of the programmer, flashes by in white lettering: "Steve Siegal" or
an equivalent, as it is hard to make out the last letters of his last name.

On my PD disk, it is called 'Happy.anim.'

Is this indeed, in fact the Walker I (classic) or the Walker II (priveleged
and rare) demo?

Or is it an undiscovered demo?

                                                - PFREY@DREW.BITNET

bobl@graphics.rent.com (Bob Lindabury - SysAdm) (04/21/91)

PFREY%drew.bitnet@pucc.princeton.edu writes:

> In it, is a raytraced image of a figure similar to a child's glossy painted
> wood toy.  It 'walks' as if going from the left to the right of my screen,
> though it actually never moves from the center of the screen.  The background
> is black, and his feet are reflected upon the floor.  To further increment
> the effect of induced and apparent movement of the figure, a name, presumably
> that of the programmer, flashes by in white lettering: "Steve Siegal" or
> an equivalent, as it is hard to make out the last letters of his last name.

Nope, this isn't Walker of any color.  The Walker demos have the
Walkers from Star Wars in them.

Walker I has one walking around an Amiga on a desktop and Walker II
is in the format of a Movie trailer in Letterboxed format complete
with titles and special effects.  In Walker II a walker is walking in
the City (Chicago I believe) and a helecopter tracks it down and trys
to shoot it down.  The Walker then fires back and you will have to
get it to find out the ending.  Ha!

I sent this to ab20 over a year ago so it should be there somewhere.
I just can't find anything there anymore.  What is the story with

-- Bob

 The Graphics BBS  908/469-0049  "It's better than a sharp stick in the eye!"
  InterNet: bobl@graphics.rent.com                | Raven Enterprises
      UUCP: ...rutgers!bobsbox!graphics!bobl      | 25 Raven Avenue
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    Home #: 908/560-7353                          | 908/271-8878

andrewsr@romulus.rutgers.edu (Rich Andrews) (04/21/91)

In article <51427@nigel.ee.udel.edu> PFREY%drew.bitnet@pucc.princeton.edu writes:

> I read one of the many walker I & II messages, and thought to myself, "Maybe
> *I* might have this walker demo they talk highly of...just under a different
> name..???"
> In it, is a raytraced image of a figure similar to a child's glossy painted
> wood toy.  It 'walks' as if going from the left to the right of my screen,
> though it actually never moves from the center of the screen.  The background
> is black, and his feet are reflected upon the floor.  To further increment
> the effect of induced and apparent movement of the figure, a name, presumably
> that of the programmer, flashes by in white lettering: "Steve Siegal" or
> an equivalent, as it is hard to make out the last letters of his last name.

Humm, I doubt this is Walker 1.  It is definately not walker II.
Wlaker II is a few scenes with a helecopter attacking the walker from
the Empire Strikes Back.  It *is* good, but it looks like a promo for
a larger anim.

  // Rich    | "But maybe it's not too late...You can still cheat the hands
\X/  Andrews |  of fate...Just roll the dice and play the game... - Wendy O

dbscoop2@bwdlh417.BNR.CA (Alun Fryer) (04/23/91)

In article <51427@nigel.ee.udel.edu>,
PFREY%drew.bitnet@pucc.princeton.edu writes:
|>I read one of the many walker I & II messages, and thought to myself, "Maybe
|>*I* might have this walker demo they talk highly of...just under a different

No, you don't.

|>In it, is a raytraced image of a figure similar to a child's glossy painted
|>wood toy.  It 'walks' as if going from the left to the right of my screen,
|>though it actually never moves from the center of the screen.  The background
|>is black, and his feet are reflected upon the floor.  To further increment
|>the effect of induced and apparent movement of the figure, a name, presumably
|>that of the programmer, flashes by in white lettering: "Steve Siegal" or
|>an equivalent, as it is hard to make out the last letters of his last name.
|>On my PD disk, it is called 'Happy.anim.'
|>Is this indeed, in fact the Walker I (classic) or the Walker II (priveleged
|>and rare) demo?
|>Or is it an undiscovered demo?

This demo is known as the "Happy Guy" demo.  Nothing to write home about.

I too am looking for the Walker II demo.  I have the "Walker II Trailer"
which looks like a "preview" to the real thing, but it has a LOT of
glitches in it.  I have the Walker I demo.  Nice but it takes *FOREVER*
to load off
floppy (maybe I'll put it on HD sometime).  For those who say they have the
Walker II demo, check to see if it is the "Trailer" or the real thing.
The trailer has a message saying "This is a trailer to the Walker II
demo" or something similar.  Is this the only version that exists or is
there a "full blown" demo?  If there is... I WANT IT!!

					- Alun Fryer

zerkle@iris.ucdavis.edu (Dan Zerkle) (04/24/91)

In article <6545@bwdls58.bnr.ca> dbscoop2@bwdlh417.BNR.CA (Alun Fryer) writes:
>I too am looking for the Walker II demo.  I have the "Walker II Trailer"
>which looks like a "preview" to the real thing, but it has a LOT of
>glitches in it.
>For those who say they have the
>Walker II demo, check to see if it is the "Trailer" or the real thing.

Sorry.  This was discussed awhile back.  Lucasfilm caught wind of
their copyright being violated in Walker I & II, so the "real" Walker
II project was never released.  When people talk of Walker II, they
are referring to the "Trailer."

Also, I have tried the Walker II TRAILER and found it to run perfectly
on my 3000.  It has no glitches of any sort.  Did you shut off all
programs that would try to multitask (screen blankers especially)?

           Dan Zerkle  zerkle@iris.eecs.ucdavis.edu  (916) 754-0240
           Amiga...  Because life is too short for boring computers.