[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Gameboy Tetris Compiles but no go yet

iwoehr@isis.cs.du.edu (Ivan Woehr) (04/22/91)

	I have just succesfully compiles the Tetris.z80 code that was
included in the emulators file with Steve Kelly's Z80 cross assembler.
After a bit of work it compiled fine but the gameboy emulator refuses to load
it due to a bad file format. My question is the the author of the gameboy
file or whoever knows the answer :) :

	What kind of header do I have to put in the file for the emulator
to recognize the file as it's format? If anyone actually knows what I am
doing wrong please respond!

	My compileable source code follows:

	org	0

; modifications for z80 argasm:
; even command
; dw's
; out (n),a
; cnops

SIZE_Y	equ	18
SIZE_X	equ	20

	ld	a,0+(char_set/256)
	ld	(60003),a
	ld	a,0+((char_set)&255)
	ld	(60002),a
	ld	a,0+(char_map/256)
	ld	(60001),a
	ld	a,0+((char_map)&255)
	ld	(60000),a

	ld	hl,char_map
	xor	a
	ld	bc,SIZE_Y*SIZE_X
	ld	(hl),0	; clear the screen
	inc	hl
	dec	bc
	ld	a,b
	or	c
	jr	nz,loop

	ld	hl,char_map
	call	draw_wall
	ld	hl,char_map+11
	call	draw_wall

	call	random
	and	3
	ld	(next_shape),a

	ld	a,35
	ld	(tetris_speed),a
	ld	b,7
	xor	a
	ld	(char),a
	ld	a,15
	ld	(shape_x),a
	ld	a,14
	ld	(shape_y),a
	call	draw_nextshape
	ld	a,(next_shape)
	ld	(new_shape),a
	ld	(current_shape),a
	call	random
	and	7
	jr	z,get_another
	dec	a
	ld	(next_shape),a
	ld	a,2
	ld	(char),a
	call	draw_nextshape

	ld	a,5
	ld	(shape_x),a
	ld	(newshape_x),a
	ld	a,1
	ld	(shape_y),a
	ld	(newshape_y),a
	call	display_score

	ld	a,(speed_count)
	and	3
	jp	nz,no_moving
	ld	a,(newshape_x)
	ld	c,a
	ld	a,(60004)
	and	3
	jr	nz,xmove_it
	xor	a
	ld	(lastmove),a
	jr	no_xmove
	ld	b,a
	ld	a,(lastmove)
	cp	b
	jr	nz,move_active
	ld	a,(move_count)
	inc	a
	and	7
	jr	nz,xwait
	call	inc_seed
	bit	0,b
	jr	z,noqleft
	dec	c
	jr	x_fin
noqleft	inc	c
	jr	x_fin
	ld	(move_count),a
	jr	nz,no_xmove
	bit	0,b
	jr	z,norepleft
	dec	c
	jr	x_fin
norepleft	inc	c
	jr	x_fin
move_active	ld	a,b
	ld	(lastmove),a
	xor	a
	ld	(move_count),a
	bit	0,b
	jr	z,noleft
	dec	c
	jr	x_fin
noleft	inc	c
	ld	a,c
	ld	(newshape_x),a

	call	check_shape
	jr	nc,no_xmove
	ld	a,(shape_x)
	ld	(newshape_x),a
	ld	a,(lastfire)
	or	a
	jr	z,fire_con
	xor	a
	ld	(lastfire),a
	jp	no_fire
	ld	a,(60004)
	bit	4,a
	jr	z,no_fire
	ld	a,1
	ld	(lastfire),a
	ld	a,(new_rot)
	inc	a
	and	3
	ld	(new_rot),a
	call	check_shape
	jr	nc,no_fire
	ld	a,(rotation)
	ld	(new_rot),a


	call	update_shape

	ld	a,(60004)
	ld	c,a
	ld	a,(tetris_speed)
	ld	b,a
	bit	3,c
	jr	z,no_down
	ld	b,3
	ld	hl,speed_count
	inc	(hl)
	ld	a,(hl)
	cp	b
	jp	c,main_loop

	ld	(hl),0
	ld	a,(newshape_y)
	inc	a
	ld	(newshape_y),a
	call	check_shape
	jp	nc,main_loop

	ld	a,(shape_y)
	cp	2
	jr	c,dead_meat
	ld	a,3
	ld	(char),a
	call	draw_shape
	call	scan_rows
	jr	z,none_completed
	push	hl
	call	flash_rows
	call	remove_rows
	pop	hl
	ld	a,l
	add	a,a
	ld	l,a
	add	a,a
	add	a,a
	add	a,l
	ld	c,a
	ld	b,0
	call	add_score
	ld	a,(tetris_speed)
	dec	a
	jr	z,none_completed
	ld	(tetris_speed),a
	jp	rep_loop
	ld	hl,char_map+SIZE_X*SIZE_Y-1
	ld	c,SIZE_Y
splaty	halt
	ld	b,SIZE_X
	ld	(hl),1
	dec	hl
	djnz	splatx
	dec	c
	jr	nz,splaty

	db	0d3h	; stop program

	ld	hl,score
	ld	de,char_map+13+4*SIZE_X
	ld	b,5
copy_byte	ld	a,(hl)
	ld	(de),a
	inc	hl
	inc	de
	djnz	copy_byte

inc_seed	push	hl
	push	bc
	ld	hl,(seed1)
	ld	bc,(seed2)
	ld	a,l
	rl	h
	rl	h
	rl	h
	sub	7
	xor	c
	ld	l,a
	ld	(seed2),a
	ld	a,h
	ld	(seed2+1),a
	ld	a,c
	ld	(seed1),a
	ld	a,b
	ld	(seed1+1),a
	ld	a,l
	pop	bc
	pop	hl

	ld	de,SIZE_X
	ld	b,SIZE_Y
	ld	a,4
	ld	(hl),a
	add	hl,de
	djnz	next_part


	ld	de,rowstoremove+3
	xor	a
	ld	(de),a
	dec	de
	ld	(de),a
	dec	de
	ld	(de),a
	dec	de
	ld	(de),a
	push	de

	ld	c,a
	ld	hl,char_map+1
	ld	b,SIZE_Y
	push	bc
	push	hl
	ld	b,10
	xor	a
	cp	(hl)
	jr	z,chk_nextrow
	inc	hl
	djnz	chk_nextbyte
; now remove the row
	ld	a,c
	ld	(de),a
	inc	de

	pop	hl
	ld	bc,SIZE_X
	add	hl,bc
	pop	bc
	inc	c
	djnz	do_nextrow
	pop	hl
	xor	a
	ex	de,hl
	sbc	hl,de

	ld	hl,rowstoremove
	ld	b,4
	ld	a,(hl)
	call	remove_a_row
	inc	hl
	djnz	remove_next

; a = number of row to remove
	push	bc
	push	hl
	or	a
	jr	z,row_0
	add	a,a
	add	a,a
	ld	c,a
	ld	l,a
	ld	h,0
	ld	b,h
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,bc
	ld	de,char_map-SIZE_X+10
	add	hl,de
	ld	e,l
	ld	d,h
	ld	bc,SIZE_X
	add	hl,bc

	srl	a
	srl	a
	ld	c,a
	ld	b,10
	ld	a,(de)
	ld	(hl),a
	dec	hl
	dec	de
	djnz	next_column
	ld	a,e
	sub	SIZE_X-10
	ld	e,a
	ld	a,d
	sbc	a,0
	ld	d,a
	ld	a,l
	sub	SIZE_X-10
	ld	l,a
	ld	a,h
	sbc	a,0
	ld	h,a
	dec	c
	jr	nz,next_row

	xor	a	; clear top row
	call	clear_row
	pop	hl
	pop	bc

; this routine flashes any full lines (if any exist)

	ld	hl,rowstoremove
	ld	de,temp_store
	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	hl
	call	store_row
	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	hl
	call	store_row
	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	hl
	call	store_row
	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	hl
	call	store_row

	ld	c,3

	ld	b,8
	djnz	pause1
	ld	hl,rowstoremove
	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	hl
	call	clear_row
	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	hl
	call	clear_row
	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	hl
	call	clear_row
	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	hl
	call	clear_row

	ld	b,8
	djnz	pause2
	ld	hl,rowstoremove
	ld	de,temp_store
	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	hl
	call	restore_row
	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	hl
	call	restore_row
	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	hl
	call	restore_row
	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	hl
	call	restore_row

	dec	c
	jr	nz,next_flash	

fr_exit	ret

	push	hl
	push	bc
	add	a,a
	add	a,a
	ld	c,a
	ld	l,a
	ld	h,0
	ld	b,h
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,bc
	ld	bc,char_map+1
	add	hl,bc
	ld	b,10
	ld	a,(hl)
	ld	(de),a
	inc	hl
	inc	de
	djnz	next_copy
	pop	bc
	pop	hl

	push	hl
	push	bc
	add	a,a
	add	a,a
	ld	c,a
	ld	l,a
	ld	h,0
	ld	b,h
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,bc
	ld	bc,char_map+1
	add	hl,bc
	ld	b,10
	ld	a,(de)
	ld	(hl),a
	inc	hl
	inc	de
	djnz	next_copy2
	pop	bc
	pop	hl

	push	hl
	push	bc
	add	a,a
	add	a,a
	ld	c,a
	ld	l,a
	ld	h,0
	ld	b,h
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,bc
	ld	bc,char_map+1
	add	hl,bc
	ld	b,10
	xor	a
	ld	(hl),a
	inc	hl
	djnz	next_clear
	pop	bc
	pop	hl

	ld	a,(new_rot)
	ld	b,a
	ld	a,(new_shape)
	call	calc_addr
	ld	b,4	; 4 blocks

; hl now points to the shape offsets
	ld	de,(newshape_x)
	ld	a,(hl)
	add	a,e
	cp	SIZE_X
	jr	nc,check_error	; off limits
	ld	e,a
	inc	hl
	ld	a,(hl)
	add	a,d
	cp	SIZE_Y
	jr	nc,check_error
	ld	d,a
	inc	hl

	push	hl
	push	bc
	ld	a,d
	add	a,a
	add	a,a
	ld	c,a
	ld	l,a
	ld	h,0
	ld	b,h
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,bc
	ld	a,l
	add	a,e
	ld	l,a
	ld	a,h
	adc	a,0
	ld	h,a

	ld	de,char_map
	add	hl,de

	ld	a,(hl)
	pop	bc
	pop	hl
	cp	2
	jr	z,no_check
	or	a	; overwriting something
	jr	nz,check_error

	djnz	check_it
	xor	a
check_error	scf

	add	a,a
	add	a,a
	add	a,a
	add	a,a
	add	a,a
	ld	e,a
	ld	d,0
	ld	hl,shapes
	add	hl,de
	ld	a,b
	add	a,a
	add	a,a
	add	a,a
	add	a,l
	ld	l,a
	ld	a,h
	adc	a,0
	ld	h,a

	xor	a
	ld	b,a
	ld	a,(next_shape)
	jp	drawnext

	ld	a,(rotation)
	ld	b,a
	ld	a,(current_shape)
	call	calc_addr
	ld	b,4	; 4 blocks

; hl now points to the shape offsets
	ld	de,(shape_x)
	ld	a,(hl)
	add	a,e
	ld	e,a
	inc	hl
	ld	a,(hl)
	add	a,d
	ld	d,a
	inc	hl

	call	draw_square

	djnz	loop_it

; de = y,x
	push	bc
	push	hl
	ld	a,d
	add	a,a
	add	a,a
	ld	c,a
	ld	l,a
	ld	h,0
	ld	b,h
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,bc

	ld	bc,char_map
	add	hl,bc
	ld	a,e
	add	a,l
	ld	l,a
	ld	a,h
	adc	a,0
	ld	h,a

	ld	a,(char)
	ld	(hl),a
	pop	hl
	pop	bc


	xor	a
	ld	(char),a
	ld	hl,(newshape_x)
	ld	de,(shape_x)
	sbc	hl,de
	jr	nz,has_changed

	ld	a,(new_rot)
	ld	b,a
	ld	a,(rotation)
	cp	b
	ret	z
	call	draw_shape	; delete old shape
	ld	a,(newshape_x)
	ld	(shape_x),a
	ld	a,(newshape_y)
	ld	(shape_y),a
	ld	a,(new_shape)
	ld	(current_shape),a
	ld	a,(new_rot)
	ld	(rotation),a
	ld	a,2
	ld	(char),a
	call	draw_shape

inc_score	ld	hl,score+4
	inc	(hl)
	ld	a,(hl)
	cp	5+10
	ret	c
	ld	(hl),5
	dec	hl
	jp	inc_next

	call	inc_score	; look at this for crap code
	dec	bc		; who gives a shit though?
	ld	a,b
	or	c
	jp	nz,add_score

temp_store	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
rowstoremove	db	0,0,0,0,0
move_count	db	0
lastmove	db	0
lastfire	db	0
shape_x	db	0
shape_y	db	0
current_shape	db	0
rotation	db	0
char	db	0
next_shape	db	0

newshape_x	db	0
newshape_y	db	0
new_shape	db	0
new_rot	db	0

tetris_speed	db	0
speed_count	db	0
seed1	dw	0
seed2	dw	0

score	db	5,5,5,5,5

; long
	db	-1,0,0,0,1,0,2,0
	db	0,-1,0,0,0,1,0,2
	db	1,0,0,0,-1,0,-2,0
	db	0,1,0,0,0,-1,0,-2

; square
	db	0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0
	db	0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0
	db	0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0
	db	0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0
; s-shape 1
	db	-1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0
	db	-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0,1
	db	-1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0
	db	-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0,1
; s-shape 2
	db	-1,-1,0,-1,0,0,1,0
	db	1,-1,1,0,0,0,0,1
	db	-1,-1,0,-1,0,0,1,0
	db	1,-1,1,0,0,0,0,1
; l-shape 1
	db	0,-1,0,0,0,1,1,1
	db	-1,1,-1,0,0,0,1,0
	db	-1,-1,0,-1,0,0,0,1
	db	-1,0,0,0,1,0,1,-1
; l-shape 2
	db	-1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1
	db	0,-1,0,0,0,1,-1,1
	db	-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,1,0
	db	1,-1,0,-1,0,0,0,1
; t-shape
	db	-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1
	db	0,-1,0,0,0,1,-1,0
	db	-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,-1
	db	0,-1,0,0,0,1,1,0

	ds	$&1

char_map	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

	ds	$&1
char_set	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	170,0,85,0,170,0,85,0
	db	170,0,85,0,170,0,85,0
	db	255,0,129,36,129,126,129,36
	db	129,36,129,126,129,36,255,0
	db	255,0,129,36,129,126,129,36
	db	129,36,129,126,129,36,255,0
	db	255,255,16,255,16,255,16,255
	db	255,255,66,255,66,255,66,255

	db	00000000b,0
	db	01111100b,0
	db	11001110b,0
	db	11011110b,0
	db	11110110b,0
	db	11100110b,0
	db	11000110b,0
	db	01111100b,0

	db	00000000b,0
	db	00110000b,0
	db	01110000b,0
	db	11110000b,0
	db	00110000b,0
	db	00110000b,0
	db	00110000b,0
	db	11111100b,0

	db	00000000b,0
	db	01111000b,0
	db	11000110b,0
	db	00001100b,0
	db	00011000b,0
	db	01100000b,0
	db	11000000b,0
	db	11111110b,0

	db	00000000b,0
	db	11111110b,0
	db	00001100b,0
	db	00011000b,0
	db	00000110b,0
	db	00000110b,0
	db	11000110b,0
	db	01111100b,0

	db	00000000b,0
	db	00001100b,0
	db	00011100b,0
	db	00111100b,0
	db	01101100b,0
	db	11001100b,0
	db	11111110b,0
	db	00001100b,0

	db	00000000b,0
	db	11111110b,0
	db	11000000b,0
	db	11111100b,0
	db	00000110b,0
	db	00000110b,0
	db	11000110b,0
	db	01111100b,0

	db	00000000b,0
	db	01110000b,0
	db	11000000b,0
	db	11111100b,0
	db	11000110b,0
	db	11000110b,0
	db	11000110b,0
	db	01111100b,0

	db	00000000b,0
	db	11111110b,0
	db	00000110b,0
	db	00001100b,0
	db	00011000b,0
	db	00011000b,0
	db	00011000b,0
	db	00011000b,0

	db	00000000b,0
	db	01111100b,0
	db	11000110b,0
	db	01111100b,0
	db	11000110b,0
	db	11000110b,0
	db	11000110b,0
	db	01111100b,0

	db	00000000b,0
	db	01111110b,0
	db	11000110b,0
	db	11000110b,0
	db	00111110b,0
	db	00000110b,0
	db	00000110b,0
	db	00000110b,0

    .....           .     .    * iwoehr@isis.UUCP
    :    :          :.   .:    * "Not to be confused with jwoehr@isis"
    :....: article  : : : : an * -----------------------------------------
    :               :  :  :    * Descartes walks into a bar. The bartender
    :     A.K.A.    :  :  :    * asks 'Do you want a beer?'. Descartes
       -Ivan Woehr-            * replies 'I think not,' and disappears.

jms@vanth.UUCP (Jim Shaffer) (04/24/91)

Why don't you compile a clue?  If you'd read comp.sys.amiga.emulations,
you'd know that you're not even supposed to HAVE the "Gameboy emulator."
For one thing, it's not really a gameboy emulator, for another thing, the
author did NOT give anyone permission to distribute it, it was STOLEN.

*  From the disk of:  | jms@vanth.uucp		     | "You know I never knew
Jim Shaffer, Jr.      | amix.commodore.com!vanth!jms | that it could be so
37 Brook Street       | uunet!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms  | strange..."
Montgomery, PA 17752  | 72750.2335@compuserve.com    |		     (R.E.M.)

v089pfrb@ubvmsb.cc.buffalo.edu (Jeffrey C Murphy) (04/24/91)

In article <1991Apr22.025414.28417@mnemosyne.cs.du.edu>, iwoehr@isis.cs.du.edu (Ivan Woehr) writes...
>	I have just succesfully compiles the Tetris.z80 code that was
>included in the emulators file with Steve Kelly's Z80 cross assembler.
>After a bit of work it compiled fine but the gameboy emulator refuses to load
>it due to a bad file format. My question is the the author of the gameboy
>file or whoever knows the answer :) :

 The archive came with the emulator, tetris.z80 and tetris. Load the file
called 'tetris' NOT 'tetris.z80'. The emulator also makes use of some opcodes
that don't exist on the 68K so you will need something better (i believe it
works on anything above a 68010). If you run the emulator on a 68000 it will


(sheez did you have to post that long source listing?)