[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Connecting an Amiga and an MSDOS together

amatthews@zodiac.rutgers.edu (04/24/91)

I posted this before, but I think it got lost...
I have an A1000/2.5MB computer.  This will soon have an 80MB IDE Hard drive.  
I have a Toshiba T1000/.5MB notebook computer. It has no external floppy,   
        no ram expansion, however it is hooked up to a nice composite         
        monitor. A hard drive for this thing (or anything else for that       
        matter) would cost as much as a new pcXT.   
I have noticed that MSDOS machines and Mac's are networked together quite     
easily via Appletalk at my school.  All they really do is share a big         
hard drive, and a printer or two.  
Question:  Is there anyway I can hook my Toshiba to my Amiga 1000, just so      
I could use the hard disk that is mounted on the Amiga as a file server       
for the notebook.  The easiest thing I can think of to do just to push        
files back and forth on copper wiring would be to just connect the   
serial ports together (reversing the pins of course) and use a term
program at each end (I suppose you could call that a null modem cable).
However, this would be sort of silly since I can just write Amiga data      
to an MSDOS formatted disk and plop it right into the notebook.  What I
would really like to be able to do is just connect two ports together,     
preferably the serial ports, and have something like drive E: on the 
laptop being a route to the hard drive on the Amiga through the serial 
port.  This doesn't sound like such a hard thing to do.  I would suppose
that you could just start up a background task on the amiga, much like
I am able to open up a CLI window on a remote terminal -- instead of     
ascii, binary data would move back and forth.  Then some sort of  
little program to do similar things would run on the Toshiba.
If the software were available, I could turn my stunted
little Toshiba into a "real" pc, for the price of a cable.  Anyone 
know of such software?  I want my own network :) 
