[comp.sys.amiga.misc] GIF viewer

MBS110@psuvm.psu.edu (04/24/91)

Where can I obtain a good speedy GIF viewer and a GIF-to-IFF converter?
I've been making do with "VirtGIF" but it is painfully slow...
Any recommendations?

/ Mark "Remixed for Common Household Appliances" Sachs - MBS110@psuvm.psu.edu \
| DISCLAIMER: It's NOT MY FAULT. Kei and Yuri                 ||   //        ||
|             forced me to say it.                            || \X/  AMIGA  ||
\========= "Oh, I'm just a NO-OP in the instruction set of Life..." ==========/

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave Schaumann) (04/25/91)

In article <91114.020136MBS110@psuvm.psu.edu> MBS110@psuvm.psu.edu writes:
>Where can I obtain a good speedy GIF viewer and a GIF-to-IFF converter?
>I've been making do with "VirtGIF" but it is painfully slow...
>Any recommendations?

I've used a viewer called "Giffy2" or somesuch, which as I recall, is somewhat
speedier than VirtGIF.  Generally, I just use HamSharp to convert it to IFF.
Not spectacularly fast, but you only have to do it once.  Also works well
on a 1-meg machine.

HamSharp is on ab20.larc.nasa.gov.  Check FILES.Z for the location.
Giffy2 might be there to, but why bother?

Dave Schaumann      | We're so sorry, Uncle Albert.  But the kettle's
dave@cs.arizona.edu | on the boil, and we're so *easly* called away...

guy@ns.network.com (Guy D'Andrea) (04/25/91)

In article <1451@caslon.cs.arizona.edu> dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave Schaumann) writes:
>In article <91114.020136MBS110@psuvm.psu.edu> MBS110@psuvm.psu.edu writes:
>>Where can I obtain a good speedy GIF viewer and a GIF-to-IFF converter?
>>I've been making do with "VirtGIF" but it is painfully slow...
>>Any recommendations?
>HamSharp is on ab20.larc.nasa.gov.  Check FILES.Z for the location.
>Giffy2 might be there to, but why bother?
>Dave Schaumann      | We're so sorry, Uncle Albert.  But the kettle's
>dave@cs.arizona.edu | on the boil, and we're so *easly* called away...

THE best GIF to an Amiga format if GIFtoRGB.  You then take the RGB image and
use The Art Dept. or DigiView to manipulate and convert the output to ham or
any other resolution.  (TAD is great for this!)

 Guy Dandrea, Network Systems Corp.                       //                 
 guy@nsco.network.com #                    \\ //                  
 7600 Boone Ave No, Mpls. MN 55428                     \X/                   
 1-800-328-9108  Fax:(612)424-1736   "Me and my Amiga...anything is possible?"