[comp.sys.amiga.misc] C= Amiga Student Rep

wwarner@en.ecn.purdue.edu (Art Warner) (04/25/91)

From wwarner Thu Apr 25 08:45:09 1991
Subject: Becoming a C= student Rep
To: njg2@po.CWRU.Edu
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 91 8:45:09 EST
In-Reply-To: <9104250719.AA10023@cwns5.INS.CWRU.Edu>; from "J. Norell Guttman" at Apr 25, 91 3:19 am
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL8]

I recently received a number of emails asking about becoming a student rep,
so I decide to post this for anyone that was interested.

	     ----Copy of one of the emails-------

> 	I am a comp. engineer student at CWRU... how do I become a C=
> rep... I have had 3 years of being an proud Amiga owner and tried to get
> my high school to buy Amigas [unfortunatley they picked the more expensive
> expanded {128k} AppleIIeEnhanced]
> 					J.Norell Guttman

	            ----My reply----

You can PROBABLY do exactly what I did.  I contacted my Regional Sales Manager 
and told him how imperative it was that my school have a rep.  You also could 
contact your Regional "ASOC" (Amiga Student on Campus) manager.  Either of 
these two people can send you the necessary info and forms to sign up. 
Be prepared to "sell yourself" in a phone interview if necessary.

They will want a resume and would like to see some experience. Pride
in your "Amy" will definately be a "plus".  Some technical experience
would be helpful, since you will be trying to sale computers to people who
tend to be smarter and more inquisitive than the normal "Joe Blow" on the 
street.  If you didn't know any better, you could be flustered by a Mac owner
who tries to tell you that his Mac can emulate the Amiga FASTER and with
12 million colors!  (Of course WE all know better!)  Besides, you'll also
want to help support Amiga owners that need technical assistance from time
to time.  "The best advertisement is a happy customer"

Good Luck.


For all of you who don't want to be a student rep, but LOVE your "Amy",
"sing the praises" of your favorite computer.  You don't have to be a 
student rep in order to help sell the machine.  Instead of selling a 
million units in a couple of years, I would love to see C= selling a
million units in a couple of MONTHS!  Don't Flame me if you disagree.

Art Warner                      Amiga makes it happen..........
wwarner@en.ecn.purdue.edu       IBM,Mac,Sun,& Next make it expensive!