[comp.sys.amiga.misc] I can't find Walker I

joshin@ucscf.UCSC.EDU (98896000) (04/26/91)

I know this was just covered but where the ____ is Walker I?
I couldn't find it at ab though I may not have recognised its file name.  
Someone please help.   

cac5961@rouge.usl.edu (Castor Christian A) (04/26/91)

In article <15024@darkstar.ucsc.edu> joshin@ucscf.UCSC.EDU (98896000) writes:
>I know this was just covered but where the ____ is Walker I?
>I couldn't find it at ab though I may not have recognised its file name.  
>Someone please help.   
>					Thanks,
>						Joshin

   Check out ab20 on directory /amiga/graphics/anims .

- chris c
  Christian Castor - cac5961@usl.edu or chris@usl.edu -  CIS: 73030,2734  
  Plink: ChrisC - (318)232-2045 - Snail: PO Box 43402,Lafayette LA 70504