[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Apple Emulator

drone@irncastl.UUCP (Brian Bernstein) (04/24/91)

        I haven't been able to find them, but from what I hear there are some
Apple ][ emulators floating around. I know the ROMs are copyrighted, but I was
wondering if there was some legal version (eg: take A64- has a program to get
the ROMs off of a C64 so you can use it) that didn't have the ROMs, but some
program to get them.

        Any information good or bad, I'd like to hear what's available (and
what's not)... Please reply by private mail. Thank you!

%  drone (brian bernstein)  % What will you do if we let you go home, and   %
%  tronsbox!irncastl!drone  % the plastic's all melted and so is the chrome %
%  drone@irncastl           % WHO ARE THE BRAIN POLICE?              (c) FZ %

terry@helios.ucsc.edu (Terry Ricketts) (04/27/91)

In article <drone.4392@irncastl.UUCP> drone@irncastl.UUCP (Brian Bernstein) writes:

>        I haven't been able to find them, but from what I hear there are some
>Apple ][ emulators floating around. I know the ROMs are copyrighted, but I was
>wondering if there was some legal version (eg: take A64- has a program to get
>the ROMs off of a C64 so you can use it) that didn't have the ROMs, but some
>program to get them.

   I was sent the source code for one of the Apple ][ emulators by the author 
who does not have ftp access. I sent it on to ab20. It was there for about a
week but seems to have disappeared recently. If it was deleted by mistake I
can resend it. It did need to have a copy of the Apple roms to work. It is up
to you do get them yourself.

| Terry Ricketts			|  Internet: terry@helios.ucsc.edu
| Senior Electronics Engineer		|  	     loel@helios.ucsc.edu
| Lick Observatory Electronics Lab	|  Phone:    408-459-2110
| University of Calif, Santa Cruz 	|