[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga appearence in Music Concert.

maxc1553@ucselx.sdsu.edu (InnerTangent - human1) (04/26/91)

Hello! Dear Amigians,

In the coming tuesday, I'm going to display my amiga in the school electronic
music concert.  This is very exciting to me, since I'm to display the amiga
graphic/demo/animations/pictures on a big projector on the stage.

I'm to show-off it in any way I like it.  This means I can play a game,
run a demo, do a slide-show, etc.  Anything that'll catch attention is
cool.  (I'm afraid WordProcessors and SpreadSheet won't be in the show :-) )

I NEED SUGGESTIONS!!!  I need creative ideas from YOU!!

I am also assigned to display the credits at the end/beginning of the show
but what program do I use??  I need one that scroll credits up like the
way films/movies show theirs.

I have the DigiPaint, DeluxePaint, PhontonPaint, AmigaVision, Disney
Animation Studio, Sonix, DeluxeMusic, Protracker, MED3.0, lots soundtracker
modules, few raytraced pictures, and some demos.
I have a 40MB harddrive(supra500xp), 512K Agnus, 4Mb total memories in my A500.

I think I have between now and the concert about 10 hours of free time to
set this up.

Any comments, ... ideas, suggestions are EXTREMELY welcome!
   *     All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.   +

kskelm@happy.colorado.edu (04/27/91)

In article <1991Apr26.150547.4760@ucselx.sdsu.edu>, maxc1553@ucselx.sdsu.edu (InnerTangent - human1) writes:
> I am also assigned to display the credits at the end/beginning of the show
> but what program do I use??  I need one that scroll credits up like the
> way films/movies show theirs.

   Try TitleGen 1.6, on Fred Fish # 300.  And 2.4 will be out within months.  I

|      ///  Kevin "Visionary will be done RSN" Kelm          |
|     ///  kskelm@happy.colorado.edu                         |
| \\\/// "Reality is subjective-- if you can make your own,  |
|  \XX/ then who's crazy? That's entertainment software!"-me |
| C code run.  Run, code, run--PLEASE!                       |