[comp.sys.amiga.misc] New virus killer uploaded to AB20

chem194@csc.canterbury.ac.nz (John Davis) (04/27/91)

I've just placed the latest version of John Veldthuis' Virus_Checker
on ab20 as /incoming/amiga/Virus_Checker_5.19.lzh

If you're looking for a compact virus killer, in the same vein as 
Steve Tibbet's VirusX, but that is up-to-date on the viruses it
can detect, this is the one to go for (whatever happened to Steve
Tibbet's plan for a new virus killer to replace VirusX 4.01?)

| o  John Davis - CHEM194@canterbury.ac.nz               o |
| o  (Depart)mental Programmer,Chemistry Department      o |
| o  University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand o |