[comp.sys.amiga.misc] .ZOM archives

890560p@aucs.AcadiaU.ca (Trevor Porter) (04/23/91)

     I noticed the walkerI demo is now on ab20.  It has the extension .ZOM
What archiver do I need to extract these files?

Trevor Porter

cac5961@rouge.usl.edu (Castor Christian A) (04/23/91)

In article <1991Apr22.190710.13450@aucs.AcadiaU.ca> 890560p@aucs.AcadiaU.ca (Trevor Porter) writes:
>     I noticed the walkerI demo is now on ab20.  It has the extension .ZOM
>What archiver do I need to extract these files?

    You'll need a program called 'zoom'.  It is a disk 
compressor/decompressor. It is available
on ab20 under the filename /amiga/utils/archivers/zoom41.lzh .

    I have a question, though.  When I finished compressing the Walker_I
demo, the zoom program GURU'ed my amiga (at the moment I tried to
quit it).   Anyone has experienced this problem?

>Trevor Porter

  Christian Castor - cac5961@usl.edu or chris@usl.edu -  CIS: 73030,2734  
  Plink: ChrisC - (318)232-2045 - Snail: PO Box 43402,Lafayette LA 70504

cpmwc@marlin.jcu.edu.au (Matthew W Crowd) (04/23/91)

In article <1991Apr22.190710.13450@aucs.AcadiaU.ca> 890560p@aucs.AcadiaU.ca (Trevor Porter) writes:
>     I noticed the walkerI demo is now on ab20.  It has the extension .ZOM
>What archiver do I need to extract these files?
>Trevor Porter

This is Zoom'ed, same principal as LHWarp, also at nasa.....

Mon  11-Feb-91  07:49:31    63228  amiga/utils/archivers/zoom41.lzh


dtiberio@eeserv1.ic.sunysb.edu (David Tiberio) (04/27/91)

In article <29668@rouge.usl.edu> cac5961@rouge.usl.edu (Castor Christian A) writes:
>In article <1991Apr22.190710.13450@aucs.AcadiaU.ca> 890560p@aucs.AcadiaU.ca (Trevor Porter) writes:
>>     I noticed the walkerI demo is now on ab20.  It has the extension .ZOM
>>What archiver do I need to extract these files?
>    You'll need a program called 'zoom'.  It is a disk 
>compressor/decompressor. It is available
>on ab20 under the filename /amiga/utils/archivers/zoom41.lzh .
>    I have a question, though.  When I finished compressing the Walker_I
>demo, the zoom program GURU'ed my amiga (at the moment I tried to
>quit it).   Anyone has experienced this problem?

  I once wrote a 12 page paper, without saving it ONCE until I was finished.
When I went to save, it GURU'd. I ran VirusX and found the Byte Bandit virus.
I think this is the one where you type the 5 keys ALT, A, SPACEBAR, A, ALT
to gain control again.

>>Trevor Porter
>  Christian Castor - cac5961@usl.edu or chris@usl.edu -  CIS: 73030,2734  
>  Plink: ChrisC - (318)232-2045 - Snail: PO Box 43402,Lafayette LA 70504

    David Tiberio  SUNY Stony Brook 2-3481  AMIGA  DDD-MEN  Tomas Arce 
           Any students from SUNY Oswego? Please let me know! :)

                   Un ragazzo di Casalbordino, Italia.

MBS110@psuvm.psu.edu (04/27/91)

Data point: I used ZOOM. Once. To de-compress the Lemmings demo. It
uncompressed the demo nicely and, once it was done, crashed violently
(GURU). I would advise, seeing all the documented trouble with this
beast, that in future archivists stay away from the thing. Please?
There's plenty of good archivers out there; totally at random I'd
suggest DiskMasher, for example. Many others exist.

/ Mark "Remixed for Common Household Appliances" Sachs - MBS110@psuvm.psu.edu \
| DISCLAIMER: It's NOT MY FAULT. Kei and Yuri                 ||   //        ||
|             forced me to say it.                            || \X/  AMIGA  ||
\== "I think this calls for some diabolical laughter! RAAH HA HA HA HA HA!" ==/