[comp.sys.amiga.misc] OSU-AUG April meeting

rjtatz@hpuxa.acs.ohio-state.edu (Robert J. Tatz) (04/28/91)

OSU-AUG - OSU Amiga Users Group meets at the OSU main campus in Columbus.

The April OSU-AUG meeting will be on April 30th at 5:30 PM in 120 BAKER.
All OSU-AUG meetings are open to the general public.

Our featured guest will be Dr. Len Nasman.   Len is currently a certified
Commodore Amiga developer.  Len will demo Commodore Dynamic Total Vision
(CDTV), Commodore's new CD-ROM based multi-media computer.  CDTV conforms
to the High Sierra format and can read a variety of CD's including audio,
CD+G, and Amiga CD-ROM disks.

Also, information will be provided about Commodore's educational program.
Bob          rjtatz@hpuxa.ircc.ohio-state.edu
-> AMIGA (n.) - The BETAMAX of personal computers.