[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga Computer Expo '91 in Calgary, Alberta

oakley@cgofs.dec.com (Fixed in previous release, Broken in this release) (04/29/91)

                         Amiga Computer Expo'91
Sunday May 5, 1991 at the Marlborough Inn
Calgary, Alberta
Seminars 10:30-7:30 pm.     Trade Show 12:00-8:00 pm

Is is just about here. The first ever Amiga Expo to be held in Western
Canada. All of the arrangements are made. Everything is ready to roll.
The seminar are just about sold out. (We hope you got your order in
before it was too late! There is a slim ray of hope if you did not. We
may be offering a very limited number of Standing Room Only single
seminar tickets at $3 per session depending on the attendance level of
each presenation. This tickets will be eligible for the door prizes as
well). The door prize list has grown to well over $5000 in value. There
are still lots of $3 Trade Show tickets for sale at the door. Come
early for the best chances at these prizes. 

As a very special surprise treat we have just been informed that
Nikon, Inc. of New York City, the maker of fine 35mm still cameras
for many years has joined forces with Visual Effects, the Moose Jaw-
based advertising company and will be present at our show to demo
their super hi-res 24-bit image scanning device. This scanner creates
high quality color slide images that in the words of Visual Effects'
Mike Gritten just plain 'blows your socks off with the impact'.

To add the crowning visual imagery touch to what is already a super
show, we have just learned that Your First Computer Company of
Edmonton will have the much talked about 24-bit Colorburst card on
hand and will be putting it through its paces. You will finally be able
to see the product, not just the promotional literature. This product it
touted as going well beyond the capabilities of the highly acclaimed
DCTV unit.

It is shaping up as the biggest Amiga happening ever to hit Calgary.
Come on out and see what all the excitement is about!