[comp.sys.amiga.misc] IFF File Formats

cs4344af@cse.uta.edu (Fuzzy Fox) (04/26/91)

I am trying to find information the IFF file formats used on the
Commodore Amiga, in particular those which are used for graphics, such
as still frame and animation files.  I hope that this information can be
found on an FTP site, but pointers to relevant books, etc. would be
helpful as well.  FTP is preferred.

David DeSimone, aka "Fuzzy Fox" on some networks.          /!/!
INET:    an207@cleveland.freenet.edu                      /  ..
Q-Link:  Fuzzy Fox                                        /   --*
Quote:   "Foxes are people too!  And vice versa."         /  ---

ken@cbmvax.commodore.com (Ken Farinsky - CATS) (04/29/91)

In article <1991Apr26.085203.7797@cse.uta.edu> cs4344af@cse.uta.edu (Fuzzy Fox) writes:
>I am trying to find information the IFF file formats used on the
>Commodore Amiga, in particular those which are used for graphics, such
>as still frame and animation files.  I hope that this information can be
>found on an FTP site, but pointers to relevant books, etc. would be
>helpful as well.  FTP is preferred.
>INET:    an207@cleveland.freenet.edu                      /  ..

Look in the back of the "Amiga ROM Kernel Manual: Includes & Autodocs".
There is a large section there on IFF.
Ken Farinsky - CATS - (215) 431-9421 - Commodore Business Machines
uucp: ken@cbmvax.commodore.com   or  ...{uunet,rutgers}!cbmvax!ken
bix:  kfarinsky