[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Hey! Where'd my !$%& WB version# go ?

joem@nos850.UUCP (Joe Muller) (05/01/91)

   Whenever I boot off my HD or the WB release 1.3 disk I get the following
on my title bar for the WB screen ?
   "Workbench release.       7xxxxxx free memory"
where I thought it was supposed to (and used to be)
   "Workbench release 1.3.   7xxxxxx free memory"
which is exactly what it does when I boot off a WB 1.2 disk.  Also,
if I strip my startup-sequence down to the bare minimum (LoadWB, EndCLI)
it does the same.
Anybody ?

phil@adam.adelaide.edu.au (Phil Kernick) (05/01/91)

joem@nos850.UUCP (Joe Muller) writes:

>   Whenever I boot off my HD or the WB release 1.3 disk I get the following
>on my title bar for the WB screen ?
>   "Workbench release.       7xxxxxx free memory"
>where I thought it was supposed to (and used to be)
>   "Workbench release 1.3.   7xxxxxx free memory"
>which is exactly what it does when I boot off a WB 1.2 disk.  Also,
>if I strip my startup-sequence down to the bare minimum (LoadWB, EndCLI)
>it does the same.

Are you absolutely certain that it *ever* put:

              Workbench release 1.3.   7xxxxxx free memory

in the title bar?  I bought the 1.3 enhancer kit nearly 2 years ago (gee
is it really that long ago...) and mine has *never* said 1.3.  I assumed
that it was a bug that they never fixed and so I just ignored as it is
just cosmetic.

I have an A1000 so I am getting KickStart from a disk, is the ROM
version any different?


o|      ///   Phil Kernick              EMail:  phil@adam.adelaide.edu.au    |o
 |     ///    Departmental Engineer     Phone:  +618 228 5914                |
o| \\\///     Dept. of Psychology       Fax:    +618 224 0464                |o
 |  \///      University of Adelaide    Mail:   GPO Box 498 Adelaide SA 5001 |