[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Virus Extermination Day?

aa377@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Ken Kopin) (04/25/91)

  Here's an Idea. There ought to be a national Virus Extermination Day.
On this day, (I suggest June 1st) everyone should check all of their 
disks for Viruses, and exterminate as necessary. Plus they should 
install Virus reducing/eliminating software as necessary. (I'm even
guilty of this. No matter how many times I install Virus-X, somehow
works it's way out of my Startup-Sequence. :-( )

  If this were an actual "Event" people would be more likely to
actually check their library of disks that couldn't POSSIBLY
have a virus on them, but somehow do.

  Well, what do you think? (I Want credit for the idea!)

                             Ken Kopin

Om Pappa Chucka Mucka Nommo Sing Gow,   |Internet: AA377@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu
Ding Gabba Lonna Wannie Gummo Ching Pow.|Bitnet:
Hebby Gabba Lou-a Comma Gemma Sing Gee, | AA377%Cleveland.Freenet.Edu@cunyvm
Om Mamma Chucka Manna One Is Now Three. |Disclaimer: I didn't do it.

jdickson@jato.jpl.nasa.gov (Jeff Dickson) (04/26/91)

In article <23874@know.pws.bull.com> aa377@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Ken Kopin) writes:
>  Here's an Idea. There ought to be a national Virus Extermination Day.
>On this day, (I suggest June 1st) everyone should check all of their 
>disks for Viruses, and exterminate as necessary. Plus they should 
>install Virus reducing/eliminating software as necessary. (I'm even
>guilty of this. No matter how many times I install Virus-X, somehow
>works it's way out of my Startup-Sequence. :-( )
>  If this were an actual "Event" people would be more likely to
>actually check their library of disks that couldn't POSSIBLY
>have a virus on them, but somehow do.
>  Well, what do you think? (I Want credit for the idea!)
>                             Ken Kopin
>Om Pappa Chucka Mucka Nommo Sing Gow,   |Internet: AA377@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu
>Ding Gabba Lonna Wannie Gummo Ching Pow.|Bitnet:
>Hebby Gabba Lou-a Comma Gemma Sing Gee, | AA377%Cleveland.Freenet.Edu@cunyvm
>Om Mamma Chucka Manna One Is Now Three. |Disclaimer: I didn't do it.

	I think its a stupid idea! I for one, have never been hit by a virus.
Of course, how promiscuous you are greatly increases your risk! It could be
a real chore for anyone who has a lot of disks. The secret is to prevent disks
from getting infected in the first place! I find your idea about as exciting
as I would find "national Spring cleaning day".

aa377@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Ken Kopin) (04/26/91)

[Line eater gobbled text about establishing a Virus Extermination Day, A 
 laudable goal]

>	I think its a stupid idea! I for one, have never been hit by a virus.
>Of course, how promiscuous you are greatly increases your risk! It could be
>a real chore for anyone who has a lot of disks. The secret is to prevent disks
>from getting infected in the first place! I find your idea about as exciting
>as I would find "national Spring cleaning day".

   Hmmm, such violence. I'd be willing to bet money you have a virus on
your disks somewhere. People who think like that usually do. 

   As you may or may not have heard, the "secret" isn't getting around,
and viruses are still being spread. I mean, really. How long does it take
to check each disk, 10sec? At six disks/min(/drive) if you have enough disks
to make this "a real chore" I'd say you either (A) have enough money to have
someone do this for you, since you OF COURSE paid for all your software, or
(B) Probably have a stack of pirates reaching the ceiling. Any bets on which
it is?
                                     Ken Kopin

Om Pappa Chucka Mucka Nommo Sing Gow,   |Internet: AA377@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu
Ding Gabba Lonna Wannie Gummo Ching Pow.|Bitnet:
Hebby Gabba Lou-a Comma Gemma Sing Gee, | AA377%Cleveland.Freenet.Edu@cunyvm
Om Mamma Chucka Manna One Is Now Three. |Disclaimer: I didn't do it.

mt87692@cc.tut.fi (Mikko Tsokkinen) (04/26/91)

In article <23874@know.pws.bull.com> aa377@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Ken Kopin) writes:
>   Here's an Idea. There ought to be a national Virus Extermination Day.
> On this day, (I suggest June 1st) everyone should check all of their 
> disks for Viruses, and exterminate as necessary. Plus they should 
> install Virus reducing/eliminating software as necessary. (I'm even
> guilty of this. No matter how many times I install Virus-X, somehow
> works it's way out of my Startup-Sequence. :-( )

Try for example ZerovirusIII or Viruschecker5.17.
If you are still using virus-x you will be amazed how many viruses
your system might contain.


Bubble Bobble

jdickson@jato.jpl.nasa.gov (Jeff Dickson) (04/26/91)

In article <23948@know.pws.bull.com> aa377@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Ken Kopin) writes:
>[Line eater gobbled text about establishing a Virus Extermination Day, A 
> laudable goal]
>>	I think its a stupid idea! I for one, have never been hit by a virus.
>>Of course, how promiscuous you are greatly increases your risk! It could be
>>a real chore for anyone who has a lot of disks. The secret is to prevent disks
>>from getting infected in the first place! I find your idea about as exciting
>>as I would find "national Spring cleaning day".
>   Hmmm, such violence. I'd be willing to bet money you have a virus on
>your disks somewhere. People who think like that usually do. 
>   As you may or may not have heard, the "secret" isn't getting around,
>and viruses are still being spread. I mean, really. How long does it take
>to check each disk, 10sec? At six disks/min(/drive) if you have enough disks
>to make this "a real chore" I'd say you either (A) have enough money to have
>someone do this for you, since you OF COURSE paid for all your software, or
>(B) Probably have a stack of pirates reaching the ceiling. Any bets on which
>it is?
>                                     Ken Kopin
>Om Pappa Chucka Mucka Nommo Sing Gow,   |Internet: AA377@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu
>Ding Gabba Lonna Wannie Gummo Ching Pow.|Bitnet:
>Hebby Gabba Lou-a Comma Gemma Sing Gee, | AA377%Cleveland.Freenet.Edu@cunyvm
>Om Mamma Chucka Manna One Is Now Three. |Disclaimer: I didn't do it.

	I figured that at least you would flame me. I don't have any pirated
software and if I have a virus on my system - it must be dead or dormant still,
because it hasn't reared its ugly head yet. I'm going on my eigth consecutive
year with Amigas.

	>I'd be willing to bet money you have a virus

	You don't want to make that bet. 

>Om Pappa Chucka Mucka Nommo Sing Gow,   |\
>Ding Gabba Lonna Wannie Gummo Ching Pow.| \____Now this is a real joke!
>Hebby Gabba Lou-a Comma Gemma Sing Gee, | /
>Om Mamma Chucka Manna One Is Now Three. |/

podop03@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu (Kriston J. Rehberg) (04/30/91)

In article <MT87692.91Apr26064342@lehtori.cc.tut.fi>, mt87692@cc.tut.fi
(Mikko Tsokkinen) writes:
|>Try for example ZerovirusIII or Viruschecker5.17.
|>If you are still using virus-x you will be amazed how many viruses
|>your system might contain.

What is the latest version of ZeroVirusIII?  The initial release (that
everyone has is about as outdated as VirusX 4.01 is.

|> MIT
|>Bubble Bobble

Kriston J. Rehberg, Student Operator, S.U.N.Y. Binghamton Computer Services
podop03@BINGSUNS.CC.BINGHAMTON.EDU (SunOS 4.1)   +---------------------------+
PODOP03@BINGVAXA.CC.BINGHAMTON.EDU (VAX/VMS 5.3) |Opinions expressed here are|
TJW3124@BINGTJW.CC.BINGHAMTON.EDU (VM/IS CMS)    |my own and do not represent|
BG7523@BINGVMA.CC.BINGHAMTON.EDU (VM/SP CMS)     |those of this organization |
------ Only Amiga makes it possible! ------------+---------------------------+

n350bq@tamuts.tamu.edu (Duane Fields) (04/30/91)

Are there any "Up to Date" Virus checkers that don't open a little 
titlebar, or other such eyesore?  I like the way Virux X hides, but..
as you say it is getting up there!  


| Duane Fields              |     Friends don't     |  President, aTmiga club |
| Box 1315                  |    let friends use    |  Fone#   (409) 847-6760 |
| College Station, Tx 77841 |        MS-DOS.        |  n350bq@tamuts.tamu.edu |

steved@DIALix.oz.au (Steve Doherty) (05/01/91)

In article <1991Apr29.205314.16038@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu> podop03@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu (Kriston J. Rehberg) writes:
>What is the latest version of ZeroVirusIII?  The initial release (that
>everyone has is about as outdated as VirusX 4.01 is.

The latest version released here in Oz (Jon Potter hails from South Australia)
is version 1.18. I suggest you check fish etc for this version, or a decent BBS
near you.

ZV 1.18 Handles 69 known virii at the moment.
