[comp.sys.amiga.misc] 64 Emulator Adaptor

") (04/29/91)

I just recently downloaded the Questronix A64 program, which degrades the
mighty power of the Amiga by turning it into a '64 !!  However, I think it's
pretty cool, except that for the problem of loading and saving '64 stuff.
Does anyone know of where I could get the 1541 Drive Adaptor (to plug the
1541 into the Amiga) in Australia, as I dont trust sending lots of money
to America!!  (nuthing personal, of course! :-) 

OR, if anyone knows the circuit diagram for this little adaptor, I would
appreciate them sharing their knowledge... I'd sooo much like to load a
'64 program onto the Amiga, if only for a good laugh!!

+-+                                                                          +-+
  | ! ! ! ! | |\/|  /\      !mailmeNET: CSC9017984R%LUST1@LURE.LATROBE.EDU.AU|
  | ! ! ! ! | |  | | Freddy !DECnet   : 35873::csc9017984r                   |
  | !-!a!/  | |  |. \/.     !uucp     : ...!murrari.oz!luge!csc9017984r%lust1|
  | ! ! !\  +----------------------------------------------------------------+
  | ! ! ! ! |                                                //              |
  | Hackers |        "WANNA SUCK FACE ?"                    // ONLY VODKA    |
  |   and   |                 ..Elm St.4..              \\ //   MAKES IT     |
  | Krackers|   La Trobe Uni <-> Australia               \X/   POSSIBLE !    |
+-+                                                                          +-+

paul@wa1omm.UUCP (Paul MacDonald) (05/01/91)

In article <8223F5A4D97FC00B17@lure.latrobe.edu.au> CSC9017984R%LUST1@LURE.LATROBE.EDU.AU ("M.C. FREDDY - LA TROBE UNI - OZ !!") writes:
>I just recently downloaded the Questronix A64 program, which degrades the
>mighty power of the Amiga by turning it into a '64 !!  However, I think it's
>pretty cool, except that for the problem of loading and saving '64 stuff.
>Does anyone know of where I could get the 1541 Drive Adaptor (to plug the
>1541 into the Amiga) in Australia, as I dont trust sending lots of money
>to America!!  (nuthing personal, of course! :-) 
>OR, if anyone knows the circuit diagram for this little adaptor, I would
>appreciate them sharing their knowledge... I'd sooo much like to load a
>'64 program onto the Amiga, if only for a good laugh!!
>+-+                                                                          +-+

I believe you'll find complete information in the supplied A64 docs on
how to obtain the appropriate interface for the product from the author. 
If you need it for a laugh .. why bother? There are funnier things to do
in life.

73, Paul  
 From the shack of Paul MacDonald!    Packet Radio: WA1OMM@KB4N.NH.USA 
 /   / /\   /  /~~/ /\/\  /\/\     /\ / /\ (~  / / / / /\     /\ / / / 
 \/\/ /~~\ /  /__/ /   / /   /  ~ /  V /~~\ ) /~/ /_/ /~~\,  /  V /~/  
 Internet: ubbs-nh!wa1omm!paul    CIS: 70411,626     PLink: UPPERCRUST