[comp.sys.amiga.misc] How to make gnuemacs0.9 open pal screen ?

admerlev@immd4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de (Arnd Merlevede) (05/01/91)

hi everybody,
well how do i make my temacs open in pal mode ?
i did setenv TERM amigapal
and i do have that termlib or so in s:
 any ideas ?

Any replies appreciated to : admerlev@faui43.informatik.uni-erlangen.de
Engage ...

beust@taloa.unice.fr (Cedric BEUST) (05/01/91)

In article <1991Apr30.210611.27285@informatik.uni-erlangen.de>, admerlev@immd4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de (Arnd Merlevede) writes:
: hi everybody,
: well how do i make my temacs open in pal mode ?
: i did setenv TERM amigapal
: and i do have that termlib or so in s:
:  any ideas ?

  I couldn't make it work via setenv neither, so I patched the executable.
Take your favorite binary editor and search for two occurences giving
the width and height of the screen (640 x 200 = $280 x $c8) and replace
the $c8 with $ff (must be something like 0280 00c8, or in reverse order).

  Note: there are TWO occurences. Change both of them.

| Cedric BEUST                                     University of Nice    |
| INET: beust@mimosa.unice.fr                      $whoami               |
| UUCP: llaor.unice.fr!arkonis!beust               god (personal alias)  |
|                   -- "To be, or not to be...",                         |
|                      That is illogical, captain!                       |
|                                     -- Spock                           |