[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Slowing down printer output

operator@dcs.exeter.ac.uk (Sue Charles) (05/01/91)

Any replies to the address at the end of the message as I'm posting
this for a-another. Thanks
Re: slowing down printer output

 Can anybody suggest how to restict the flow rate of data through the printer
device? So far the best I can manage is to run some other time-wasting tasks in
the background and this does improve the situation....

 ( The reason for doing this is that when my printer has a full buffer it
prints graphics out in little 2 or 3 inch bursts, then accepts more data then
another little burst etc.  This becomes a vicious circle with the print head
spending more time juddering back and forth than actually printing.
 I am using an A500 (+.5 meg), Citizen Swift 24 set to NEC emulation and 
dviprint (of PasTeX). )

Myles Rix     mri @uk.ac.exeter.dcs