[comp.sys.amiga.misc] FOR SALE: Amiga 2500/30 with Display Enhancer

kenny@mazurka.UUCP (Kenneth Yarnall) (05/02/91)

I am selling my 2500, and moving to a 3000.  It is a stock 2500/30 (25 mhz,
40 meg Quantum, 1 floppy, 3 meg RAM, Workbench 1.3.2) with a Commodore A2320
Display Enhancer installed (allows flicker-free high resolution display on a
VGA or Multisync monitor.  I am keeping my monitor).  Perfect if you are
interested in lots of expansion, especially in the area of Video. 

I am asking $2,400, but am certainly willing to haggle...

email me at the address kenny%mazurka@opusc.csd.scarolina.edu, or followup to
c.s.a.marketplace.  Replying to this probably won't work.  You can of course
call me, at (803)771-6349.
     Ken Yarnall                 ///   kenny%mazurka@opusc.csd.scarolina.EDU
      Math Department, USC   \\\///   yarnall@usceast.cs.scarolina.EDU
       Columbia, S.C. 29208   \\\/   (803)777-5218
        "I'm not good in groups. It's hard to work in a group
                   when you're omnipotent." - Q