[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Incompatability Between RLL controller & Bridgeboard

kpmancus@arthur.jsc.nasa.gov (Keith Mancus 283-4283) (05/03/91)

	Greetings, folks.  I have an Amiga 2000 with a 2088 Bridgeboard,
v1.3 of AmigaDos, and a 3.5" internal 68M hard drive (on the PC side).
The Bridgeboard worked fine until I installed the hard drive &
controller. It still 95% works;  however, I am unable to transfer
files back and forth between the PC and Amiga sides.  Attempts
to use aread and awrite result in a "Server not running. Run PCDisk"
message.  This continues no matter how many times I click on the
PCDisk icon.  Using the ps command of Matt Dillon's shell shows
that no process is running after the icon is clicked.
	The drive is a 4060 purchased from Perisol Technology in California.
Model number is PT 68RLL, 1024 cylinders, 5 heads, 26 sectors.
The supporting RLL controller is an XT-type half-slot controller.
Unfortunately I seem to have mislaid the little manual that came
with the controller, and can't give it's make or model.  It was
purchased from Perisol with the drive as a package deal.
It does have jumpers available to put the BIOS at either D800
or C800, and to enable or disable the on-board BIOS PROM.  Since
I left these at the default, I can't tell where they're set now
w/out opening the case again.  When I locate the manual, I'll
post the controller specs if necessary.
	The whole system has proved very reliable, including Jmounting
Amiga stuff on the hard disk.  Only aread and awrite fail.
The IBM side can't talk to the serial port, even when
selected in preferences.  This isn't nearly as important, though.
	If anyone can shed light on these problems, please email
to <mancus@roger.jsc.nasa.gov> (preferred), or
<kpmancus@sweetpea.jsc.nasa.gov>.  I don't have time to read news
on a regular basis, so anything posted will probably be missed.

	-Keith Mancus	<mancus@roger.jsc.nasa.gov>