[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Floppy step delay

jap@convex.cl.msu.edu (Joe Porkka) (05/03/91)

jms@vanth.UUCP (Jim Shaffer) writes:

>In article <1991Apr29.201147.15823@ucselx.sdsu.edu> maxc1553@ucselx.sdsu.edu (InnerTangent - human1) writes:
>>jms@vanth.UUCP (Jim Shaffer) writes:
>>>>Speedup changes the rate your floppydrive reads the floppy.	It can be used to
>>>>	speedup your floppy read/write by 2 times.
>>>HUH?	TWO TIMES?  What exactly does it do?
>Oh, I see...  I have a program called DFDelay which lets you change the
>step delay and the settle delay.  It sounds like it's doing exactly what
>Speedup is doing.

>But I think your "2 times" figure is WAY off...  Let's say you halve the

Even if it does not make a noticable speed differance it *can* make
a faster drive quieter.

This does not work with my Ami drive, but back when I used a CoCo, i changed
the step rate to 6ms (the rating on the drive), and suddenly the seeks were
nearly silient instead of chug....chug...chug....much like my noisy A1000 drive is.