[comp.sys.amiga.misc] /amiga/demos/euro on ab20

MJAKUBOW@drunivac.BITNET ("Unpacked, you'll need at least 2.5 MB of HD space.") (05/01/91)

   I've downloaded a few lharc'ed demos from that subdirectory, and they all
ran with no problems.  However, the demos with no extensions or ending
with .exe don't seem to work too well (i.e., "file is not an object
module").  I tried all sorts of decompressors, but no go.  Any help would
be much appreciated.

Mariusz Jakubowski

slmvk@cc.usu.edu (05/03/91)

In article <813008D1E91F006602@DRUNIVAC.BITNET>, MJAKUBOW@drunivac.BITNET ("Unpacked, you'll need at least 2.5 MB of HD space.") writes:
>    I've downloaded a few lharc'ed demos from that subdirectory, and they all
> ran with no problems.  However, the demos with no extensions or ending
> with .exe don't seem to work too well (i.e., "file is not an object
> module").  I tried all sorts of decompressors, but no go.  Any help would
> be much appreciated.
> Mariusz Jakubowski
> mjakubow@drunivac.bitnet

	REAL soory about that, folks.  Apparently, the guy who uploaded them
did it wrong.  Unfortunately, he uploaded a LOT of them.  I'll try & contact
him about it.

						Jon Taylor
						or SLMVK@cc.usu.edu
"The only sin lies in hurting others unnecessarily.  Hurting YOURSELF is NOT
 sinful, just stupid." - Robert A. Heinlein
"Raise the speed limit.  Think of it as evolution in action" - from _Oath of
 Fealty_ by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle