[comp.sys.amiga.misc] What should I use as a unix man program ?

pilgrim@daimi.aau.dk (Jakob G}rdsted) (05/03/91)

On unix machines, there is this 'man' program, which is
a manual program; e.g. you type man nn and wupti, there is
the documentation.
Is there a similar program for the amiga, pref. in the
fish disks? I have a vague memory of this but can't find it.
Basically I guess it should allow me to make a database of
docfiles with a keyword collection for each, so the command
man <word> looks the keywords through looking for <word> 
(I guess this is how man works). But if this unnamed program
or man works in another manner, okay for me. Reply, as you
would've done if I hadn't written this(by e-mail(?))

thanks, in advance
From the notorious
                      Jakob Gaardsted, Computer Science Department
Bed og arbejd !            University of Aarhus,  Jylland (!)
(Pray and work!)       AMIGA!               |     I'd rather play Moria.