[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Supra 500XP power drain

farrier@Apple.COM (Cary Farrier) (05/03/91)

Does anyone know if a SupraDrive 500XP with 2Mb of 256kx4 DRAMS could
cause a sufficient enough power drain on the Amiga 500's power
supply to cause an incredibly large amount of system crashes?
I am using the stock power supply only.  I have a modem
and printer connected, but they both have their own power supplies.

What happens is I get an unusual number of Guru's while doing routine
operations from the CLI or AmigaShell, usualy bus errors or address errors.
The reason I say unusual is because I don't use alot of odd pieces
of software, just the c: commands and some commercial products.

Any input would be appreciated.


blgardne@javelin.sim.es.com (Blaine Gardner) (05/03/91)

farrier@Apple.COM (Cary Farrier) writes:
>Does anyone know if a SupraDrive 500XP with 2Mb of 256kx4 DRAMS could
>cause a sufficient enough power drain on the Amiga 500's power
>supply to cause an incredibly large amount of system crashes?
>I am using the stock power supply only.  I have a modem
>and printer connected, but they both have their own power supplies.

Absolutely! The power budget for the A500's expansion bus is 300 mA of
+5 volts and 50 mA of +12 volts. The Supra far exceeds this spec. A
friend had the same setup, and his system was completely unreliable
until he added a seperate power supply for the Supra.

(This is where I usually say something like "Supra should be put in
stocks, and publicly flogged for selling an unpowered hard drive & RAM
expansion for the A500." but I've said that several times before, so I
won't bother.)
Blaine Gardner @ Evans & Sutherland  580 Arapeen Drive, SLC, Utah 84108
blgardne@javelin.sim.es.com                               BIX: blaine_g
DoD #46           My other motorcycle is a Quadracer.            FJ1200
    Safety at any cost! Support the new national 0 mph speed limit.

mmoore@ux.acs.umn.edu (Malcolm Diallo Moore) (05/04/91)

In article <52350@apple.Apple.COM> farrier@Apple.COM (Cary Farrier) writes:
>Does anyone know if a SupraDrive 500XP with 2Mb of 256kx4 DRAMS could
>cause a sufficient enough power drain on the Amiga 500's power
>supply to cause an incredibly large amount of system crashes?
>I am using the stock power supply only.  I have a modem
>and printer connected, but they both have their own power supplies.
The stock A500 power supply was made to only handle a df0:, a df1: and the
A501 expansion board, according to several people I have talked to.  Anything
more is pushing it, jack.

Speaking of which, I need to find one myself.  Are all these power supplies
advertised in Amiga World Amiga-specific?

Malcolm "The Capital MD" Moore
----------Amiga: The One and Only.  All the Rest Can Get the Bozack.-----------
"I ain't never got gaffled like that, I used to do the gaffilin'--
McDonald's was my spot."
"Man, what you used to do??"
"Jack them motherfuckers for them Nissan Trucks.  Right in the drive thru."