[comp.sys.amiga.misc] San Jose Area Amigans

prg@sgfb.ssd.ray.com (Paul R. Gosselin) (05/04/91)

Hello Everyone,
   I hope this is appropriate for this group, so here goes. I will be on
business travel from May 12th to June 12th in the San Jose California
area and would be interested in attending any Amiga User Group meetings
in the general area (to help keep my sanity for a month away from my
own Amiga). If any Amiga shows are going to be in the area, or if there
is (are) any Amiga Dealers that are a "must-see", I'd like to visit
them also. If anyone from the East Coast transplanted to the West Coast
would like to get together, maybe that could be arranged (I'm currently
from the Southeastern New England area).
   I don't have a phone number for the place I'll be staying, but if
I get any replies before May 10th, I'll probably know by then and try
to link up here or locally when I arrive. 
   Also, if there is any way to get public access to the net during the
month, I'd like to know that as well.
   Also, (yeah, I'm asking a lot) any info on renting a computer, even
an (ACK) PC, would be appreciated (I'm going with other people not
enlightened by the Amiga, so it would probably have to be a PC). 
   Paul Gosselin
   Mail Stop 166
   1847 West Main Rd.
   Portsmouth, RI 02871
   (401)-847-8000 x4398