[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Any body got a fractal gen prog ?????

mckillnm@unix1.tcd.ie (Bubble Boy) (05/03/91)

I'm looking for a fractal generator for and AMIGA 500.
(I'm also looking for PLASMA CLOUDS .... >>>> Sort of like the one on PD
for the PC).


sparks@disk.uucp (John Sparks) (05/04/91)

mckillnm@unix1.tcd.ie (Bubble Boy) writes:

>I'm looking for a fractal generator for and AMIGA 500.
>(I'm also looking for PLASMA CLOUDS .... >>>> Sort of like the one on PD
>for the PC).

>    Thanks
>         Mark

Look for a program called MandelPAUG, it does fractals, julia sets and plasma
clouds. and it lets you animate them (not just color cycling, real frame by
frame animations, like zooming in on the fractals from a distance, etc)

I found it on The Hobbit Hole BBS (1-904-243-6219). It was called 
something like mndlpaug.lzh

John Sparks        |"Help Fight Continental Drift!"| (502)957-4200 2400 BPS
D.I.S.K. Management| Email: sparks@disk.UUCP       | 6 lines, public access unix
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