[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Help Needed

lcs@remus.rutgers.edu (Lyle C. Seplowitz) (05/05/91)

Thanks to Commodore's excellent to offer, I am able to afford the
A3000 (upgrading from my 128).

After I spoke to an extremely nice customer service operator (who
mentioned the offer before I had a chance to ask about it)...I
contacted the four dealers he gave me to call (I live in north Jersey
and only two were located in north and central jersey, the other two
are in NYC). I called the one in north Jersey...they never heard of
the offer. Plus the saleperson kept putting down the Amiga, saying
Commodore must be desperate with this offer. He said he only sold "two
Amiga 3000s in the last two years." I thought the A3000 just came out
last year! Anyway, he's going to check on the offer and get back to

I called the central Jersey dealer, but they aren't an authorized
service center. Finally I called one of the NYC dealers. They support
the offer, but I don't really want to go to NYC (I don't really trust
the electronics businesses in the city).

If anyone knows of any dealers in the North Jersey or NYC area that
are reliable, please let me know--I don't want to have any problems
with this purchase.

Also, does anyone know when the offer ends. The Commodore operator
wasn't sure, but he believed the end of June. Can someone from
Commodore assure me that this offer won't be revoked or discontinued
early. I graduate this semester and can't afford to pay the regular

Thanks for any information you can give me.

:) :( :> :< :] :[ ;) :| :? :} :{ :* :^) :^( :+ :-) :\ :/ :! :$ :' :@ :O :# :<>
         l  c  s  @  r  e  m  u  s  .  r  u  t  g  e  r  s  .  e  d  u

Everything stated or expressed in this post is strictly my opinion or viewpoint

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) (05/05/91)

In article <May.> lcs@remus.rutgers.edu (Lyle C. Seplowitz) writes:
>Thanks to Commodore's excellent to offer, I am able to afford the
>A3000 (upgrading from my 128).
>If anyone knows of any dealers in the North Jersey or NYC area that
>are reliable, please let me know--I don't want to have any problems
>with this purchase.
	I assume the places in NYC that you were told about were
Amaginations and Leigh's. Amaginations is an only Amiga dealer,
but they don't treat their customers well. Leigh's is a mixed
computer store, with only one employee who really knows the Amiga
well, but he works Wed-Sun and they are friendly and have inhouse
	BTW, service isn't really a problem now that you have
on-site service.

>Also, does anyone know when the offer ends. The Commodore operator
>wasn't sure, but he believed the end of June. Can someone from
>Commodore assure me that this offer won't be revoked or discontinued
>early. I graduate this semester and can't afford to pay the regular
	I believe it is the end of June.

	-- Ethan

"Brain! Brain! What is Brain?"

metahawk@itsgw.rpi.edu (Wayne G Rigby) (05/05/91)

In article <May.> lcs@remus.rutgers.edu (Lyle C. Seplowitz) writes:
>Thanks to Commodore's excellent to offer, I am able to afford the
>A3000 (upgrading from my 128).
>After I spoke to an extremely nice customer service operator (who
>mentioned the offer before I had a chance to ask about it)...I
>contacted the four dealers he gave me to call (I live in north Jersey
>and only two were located in north and central jersey, the other two
>are in NYC). I called the one in north Jersey...they never heard of
>the offer. Plus the saleperson kept putting down the Amiga, saying
>Commodore must be desperate with this offer. He said he only sold "two
>Amiga 3000s in the last two years." I thought the A3000 just came out
>last year! Anyway, he's going to check on the offer and get back to
>I called the central Jersey dealer, but they aren't an authorized
>service center. Finally I called one of the NYC dealers. They support
>the offer, but I don't really want to go to NYC (I don't really trust
>the electronics businesses in the city).
>If anyone knows of any dealers in the North Jersey or NYC area that
>are reliable, please let me know--I don't want to have any problems
>with this purchase.
>Also, does anyone know when the offer ends. The Commodore operator
>wasn't sure, but he believed the end of June. Can someone from
>Commodore assure me that this offer won't be revoked or discontinued
>early. I graduate this semester and can't afford to pay the regular
The offer officially ends June 30, 1991.  There is an ad in the June
issue of Amiga World (p. 87) stating this.  I don't think Commodore
won't revoke or be discontinued early when they're officially

>Thanks for any information you can give me.
>:) :( :> :< :] :[ ;) :| :? :} :{ :* :^) :^( :+ :-) :\ :/ :! :$ :' :@ :O :# :<>
>         l  c  s  @  r  e  m  u  s  .  r  u  t  g  e  r  s  .  e  d  u
>Everything stated or expressed in this post is strictly my opinion or viewpoint

                                   Wayne Rigby
                                   Computer and Systems Engineer (in training)
                                   Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute