[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga Trade Up Offer

<JBK4@psuvm.psu.edu> (05/05/91)

I've only read a few articles about this and from what I read I gather that if
you have an original owners manual from a C64,A500,A1000, or A2000 that you can
get a deal with this trade up offer.  Correct me if I'm wrong.
If that's true then I was thinking that Commodore should extend this offer to c
over IBM's, MAC's, etc.  Turn in their original owners manual cover and get a g
reat deal on a A3000.  Wouldn't that make a bigger promotional deal for Commodo

Jason Koszarsky, JBK4@PSUVM

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave Schaumann) (05/06/91)

In article <91125.100328JBK4@psuvm.psu.edu> JBK4@psuvm.psu.edu writes:
>I've only read a few articles about this and from what I read I gather that if
>you have an original owners manual from a C64,A500,A1000, or A2000 that you
>can get a deal with this trade up offer.  Correct me if I'm wrong.

You also need the serial number from the machine it belongs to.

Dave Schaumann      | There is no cause so right that one cannot find a fool
dave@cs.arizona.edu | following it.	- Niven's Law # 16

JBK4@psuvm.psu.edu (05/06/91)

Could someone repost some complete info on this trade up offer or E-mail me the
info?  Thanks.

Jason Koszarsky, JBK4@PSUVM

taak9@isuvax.iastate.edu (Steve Sheldon) (05/06/91)

In article <91125.184828JBK4@psuvm.psu.edu>, JBK4@psuvm.psu.edu writes:
>Could someone repost some complete info on this trade up offer or E-mail me the
>info?  Thanks.
>Jason Koszarsky, JBK4@PSUVM

All dealers should have information on this, but this is what the
pamphlet my dealer says:


Target Market: Commodore and Amiga CPU owners.

The Offer: From now until June 30th, 1991, when a customer submits an
acceptable proof of ownership of a VIC20, C64/C128/A500/A1000/A2000 series
machine, they will qualify to receive a discount from MSRP on a
A3000 16/50, A3000 25/50, A3000 25/100 from their local dealer. This
program has been created to recognize the desire on the part of many
of our current users to own the most powerful Commodore products. In
addition, the program recognizes the value of the current owner's previous

CPU             MSRP    UserDis.   User Pays
A3000 16/50    $2999     $1150     $1849
A3000 25/50    $3499     $1250     $2249
A3000 25/100   $4699     $1500     $3199
NOTE: Prices are subject to dealer participation.

Time Frame: April 18th thru June 30, 1991.

*The only acceptable customer proof of ownership of a qualifying
unit is the original front cover of their CPU manual with the serial
number of the unit written on it.  Note: No photocopies will be accepted.

*The Power-Up! end-user discounts cannot be used in combination with
any other promotion program from CBM; Example; no additional allowance
for education, dealers/purchasers.  Any applicable taxes are not included.

njg2@po.CWRU.Edu (J. Norell Guttman) (05/06/91)

In a previous article, taak9@isuvax.iastate.edu (Steve Sheldon) says:

>In article <91125.184828JBK4@psuvm.psu.edu>, JBK4@psuvm.psu.edu writes:
>>Could someone repost some complete info on this trade up offer or E-mail me the
>>info?  Thanks.
>>Jason Koszarsky, JBK4@PSUVM

>CPU             MSRP    UserDis.   User Pays
>A3000 16/50    $2999     $1150     $1849
>A3000 25/50    $3499     $1250     $2249
>A3000 25/100   $4699     $1500     $3199
>NOTE: Prices are subject to dealer participation.

   How does this compare with educational discount... 

>Time Frame: April 18th thru June 30, 1991.

	Will C= discountinue it after June 30th?  With other trade up
offers they usually extend it beyond the deadline.  I want to see what
is going to happen with the A3000T... I do not want to buy an A3000 when
suddenly C= is going to then start pushing the A3000T or the A3500 {???}
and I would be left in the dust!

>unit is the original front cover of their CPU manual with the serial
>number of the unit written on it.  Note: No photocopies will be accepted.

	What prevents someone from tomorrow going to Toys R Us and buying a 
C64 for $120 and then getting over $1000 discount, the same discount I get 
for buying an Amiga 500 from an authorized dealer for $1000 over three 
years ago.

>*The Power-Up! end-user discounts cannot be used in combination with
>any other promotion program from CBM; Example; no additional allowance
>for education, dealers/purchasers.  Any applicable taxes are not included.

	I really think C= should rethinks it educational discount!  Kids
here can get the NeXTStation ('040) with the 105meg hard drive for $400 per 
semester for 4 years without any interest!  How can I get students to buy
an Amiga which is not being touted everywhere [read: no advertising on
campus, tv, newspapers, etc.] which is more expensive initially than the
NeXT which is being sold here like an epidemic [Not to help the matter is
the govt. purchase order of over 6,000 NeXTs!, giving the NeXT the
credibility and people then ask ---> "what big businesses use Amiga?" 
( I know the Amiga 3000UX is up to POSIX standard but the US govt. is not
buying them, are they now?)]
						J.Norell Guttman
==============|njg2@po.cwru.edu|J.Norell Guttman|ClassCWRU'94|=================
Ugh....{RunDMC)   "It can only be expressed in silence"- Norell Guttman     //
{LLCoolJ}     My .sig file has been crushed by a 1600 lbs. Case chic!!! \\ // 
{Ghetto Boys} It will soon be fixed!{Salt'N'Pepper,HeavyD}    Only Amiga \X/