[comp.sys.amiga.misc] So, is CDTV selling?

ai065@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Thomas Hill) (05/06/91)

   I haven't heard much talk about CDTV over the past week. I'd like to
hear more updates on where the unit is popping up (or being sold) and what
kind of reaction Joe Public is giving to the machine. What is the basic
reaction from your average non-computer consumer, and what is the basic
reaction from your average computer using consumer? Finally, is the machine
selling and who is it selling to? I hear that North Coast Programming (in
Euclid Ohio) and another small electronics dealer here in Ohio have the
machines, but beyond that I haven't seen or heard about it anywhere else.

 On another note, I was up at either Software Etc or Waldensoft the other
day (can't remember which) and they now carry more Amiga stuff. They used
to only carry they 500, RAM expansion, modem, and monitor by Commdore. Now
they have the Amiga 500 hard drive and a great looking 2000HD package. In
the 2000HD package you get about $750 worth of professional brand name
software. Way to go Commodore! Just when you think they've used up all
the great ideas in this company. :)


PS- They also have a new Commodore video on display that will knock your
socks off. It features moving screen shots of games, business software,
learning software, and creativity software. Very fast paced and I'm sure
it sells machines.

       Why purchase a MAC when an Amiga with the same CPU will run 99% of all
    __ MAC software..and FASTER at that?! The same can be said of the IBM and
 __/// Atari computers, and I can run those in a window. IBM's greatest sales 
 \XX/  tool is ignorance on the consumer's part. Only the Amiga! DEVO Anyone?