[comp.sys.amiga.misc] amiga human voice

chshort@nmsu.edu (Chris Short) (05/07/91)


was reading magazines at the local bookstore (waldens)
when i noticed amiga disk type magazines
3 disks of pd stuff and some text for about $15
now, i know this stuff is pd but i just can't seem
to locate it on any of my favourite ftp sites

specifically the program i am looking for is called
Amiga Human Voice which is a text to speech
using digitized human phonetics, it also
has options to digitize your own.

has anyone heard of this delightfull bit of programming?
does it exist anywhere, or could i talk someone into u/loading
to some ftp site and getting back to me.


 |----------------------|----------------------                     | 
 |the world is spam and |    Chris Short                            |
 | we are but the key   |          Computing Research Labatory      |
 |--------|-------------|          Box 30001/3 CRL                  |      
          |                        New Mexico State University      |
          |                        Las Cruces, NM 88003-0001        | 
          |      Email: Cshort@nmsu.edu  Fax:505 646 6218|-------------------|
          |      Voice: 505 646 6216                     |SpamKey productions| 
          |                     -------------------------|-------------------|

bard@jessica.stanford.edu (David Hopper) (05/07/91)

In article <CHSHORT.91May6124146@dante.nmsu.edu> chshort@nmsu.edu (Chris Short) writes:
>specifically the program i am looking for is called
>Amiga Human Voice which is a text to speech
>using digitized human phonetics, it also
>has options to digitize your own.
>has anyone heard of this delightfull bit of programming?
>does it exist anywhere, or could i talk someone into u/loading
>to some ftp site and getting back to me.

Well, I've got a program that sounds just like what you're describing
called 'Talk'.  I'm trying to get it up to ab20.  Keep you eyes peeled
(the talk.lzh that's there now is CORRUPT).  Bear with me.


Hey, anytime, man.

> |the world is spam and |    Chris Short                            |

Dave Hopper      |     /// Anthro Creep  | Academic Info Resources, Stanford
                 |__  ///     .   .      | Macincrap/UNIX Consultant
bard@jessica.    |\\\///     Ia! Ia!     | -- Just remember: love is life, and
   Stanford.EDU  | \XX/  Shub-Niggurath! | hate is living death. :Black Sabbath