[comp.sys.amiga.misc] setcpu kickrom and kickstart 2.0

rooijen@pttrnl.nl (05/03/91)

Hello World,
Is it possible to use setcpu kickrom to load kickstart 2.0 into 32 bits memory. 

My configuration is:
- A2000 rev 4.5
- A2630
- setcpu v1.6
- kickstart file kick.74.20 (I think it is version 35.74)

I use the command "setcpu kickrom df0:kick.74.20". 
All I get is a yellow screen and kickstart 1.3 again. Am I doing something
wrong or isn't it possible at all.

                        Arthur van Rooijen
 PTT Research Neher Laboratories,    Phone  : +31 70 3325092
 2260 AK Leidschendam,               Telefax: +31 70 3326477
 P.O. box 421,                       Telex  : 31236 prnl nl
 The Netherlands.                         
 Domain        : ap_vrooijen@pttrnl.nl     |  As the people here grow colder 
 EARN/BITnet   : ROOIJEN@HLSDNL5.BITNET    |  I turn to my computer
 PSS (DATAnet1): +204 02117035801::ROOIJEN |  And spend my evenings with it  
 SURFNET-2     : +204 129110052::ROOIJEN   |  Like a friend       "Kate Bush"

valentin@public.BTR.COM (Valentin Pepelea) (05/05/91)

In article <1991May3.093031.65047@pttrnl.nl> rooijen@pttrnl.nl writes:
>Is it possible to use setcpu kickrom to load kickstart 2.0 into 32 bits
>I use the command "setcpu kickrom df0:kick.74.20". 

SetCpu requires kickstart files which have been linked to be loaded into
$f00000 memoroy. So you need a kickstart file named "kick.xx.f0". To boot up
with the kickstart file that you have, use ZKick, supplied on the disk you
received from Commodore as a develloper.

But since you're not a develloper, why don't you just enter the command
1> delete df0:kick.74.20.

Proclaiming on the net that you are a pirate is not a very good idea.

"An operating system without virtual memory      Name:      Valentin Pepelea
 is an operating system without virtue."         Phone:     (408) 985-1700
                                                 Usenet:    mips!btr!valentin
                     - Ancient Inca Proverb      Internet:  valentin@btr.com

daveh@cbmvax.commodore.com (Dave Haynie) (05/07/91)

In article <1991May3.093031.65047@pttrnl.nl> rooijen@pttrnl.nl writes:
>Hello World,

>Is it possible to use setcpu kickrom to load kickstart 2.0 into 32 bits memory. 

In theory.  You need a proper KickStart, of course.  Your developer support
contacts should be able to get the correct one.  SetCPU can load "f0" or "f8"
file, but of course not "20" files.

>- kickstart file kick.74.20 (I think it is version 35.74)

Think again.  Old 2.0 was version 36, currently it's version 37.  Again, if
you're a developer, you can get the proper files from the ASDPE network.  If
you're not a developer, you have this stuff illegally, please erase it.

>I use the command "setcpu kickrom df0:kick.74.20". 

SetCPU can't load "20" files, as mentioned.  It'll probably try, but wind up
conflicting with autoconfig memory.

>                        Arthur van Rooijen
Dave Haynie Commodore-Amiga (Amiga 3000) "The Crew That Never Rests"
   {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh      PLINK: hazy     BIX: hazy
      "That's me in the corner, that's me in the spotlight" -R.E.M.