[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Printer driver for Nx1000

harri@buhub.bradley.edu (Thomas Friday) (05/07/91)

hi, ive got a star NX-1000 printer (a nice little printer for the
price) and i'm wondering if anyone has a printer driver that works
well with it.  as is, with Excellence, i'm using the standard
"generic" driver and so I cant get underlines, italics, etc.  
If anyone knows of an FTP site where such a beast would be available,
please email me.  or if anyone has one and feels like uuencoding it
and mailing it to me, please feel free.  thanx.


harri@buhub.bradley.edu (Thomas Friday) (05/07/91)

nevermind, i got what i needed... thanks..