[comp.sys.amiga.misc] AMIGA 3000UX

mathnew2@watserv1.waterloo.edu (mathNOOS [mathNEWS editors]) (05/07/91)

I was wondering if somone could help me. I am looking at purchasing an
AMIGA 3000UX (100 MG HD, 5MB RAM), and I had a few questions about it.

1) What documentation/manuals come with it?

2) How stable is the current version of UNIX, and what is the upgrade
   policy/costs for new versions of UNIX?

3) How does one switch between AMIGA DOS and UNIX, and is it possible
   set the machine to default to one of them on boot up?

4) Is there a list of programs that do not have DOS 2.0 compatability
   problems out there? If there is could someone mail it to me?

If there are any other tidbits of info. out there that I should know
about, I would appreciate hearing them.

Rick McTavish