[comp.sys.amiga.misc] How to become an Amiga dealer?

sl3b4@cc.usu.edu (05/07/91)

	I am looking at the possibility of moving into an area that is totally
devoid of Amigas.  No dealer, no place that sells any software, the only
thing I could find was a bookstore that had one AmigaDos 2.0 book.  I know
that there are a few Amiga users there.  What I am interested in doing, is
if I move there I would like to become a official Amiga dealer (Store front,
everything), and do what I can to educate the people there.
	What I need to know is who do I need to contact at CBM to get 
information about becoming a dealer.  And also, I would like any info anyone
has acquired in this area.  I need to know things like, what qualifications
do you need to have, minimum investment, what kind of support I can expect
from CBM, etc.  Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks,

John Zollinger

stanczak@cbmvax.commodore.com (Ron Stanczak - Sales) (05/08/91)

In article <1991May6.124549.47688@cc.usu.edu> sl3b4@cc.usu.edu writes:
>	I am looking at the possibility of moving into an area that is totally
>devoid of Amigas.  No dealer, no place that sells any software, the only
>thing I could find was a bookstore that had one AmigaDos 2.0 book.  I know
>that there are a few Amiga users there.  What I am interested in doing, is
>if I move there I would like to become a official Amiga dealer (Store front,
>everything), and do what I can to educate the people there.
>	What I need to know is who do I need to contact at CBM to get 
>information about becoming a dealer.  And also, I would like any info anyone
>has acquired in this area.  I need to know things like, what qualifications
>do you need to have, minimum investment, what kind of support I can expect
>from CBM, etc.  Any information would be greatly appreciated.
>Many Thanks,
>John Zollinger

Please send us a short letter oulining your request, location desired,
address, phone number, etc. and we will be happy to send you the material
you requested with respect to becoming a dealer for Commodore.

We have some new programs designed to assist people such as yourself that
are interested in a new business ... maybe there is a fit.

1200 Wilson Drive
West Chester, PA  19380

Attn:  Channel Operations
       Pam Weiss

Ronald E. Stanczak

                   Commodore International Ltd.
  PHONE 215-431-9100   UUCP  ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!stanczak
  CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT. (215) 436-4200 CBM FAX (215) 431-9156