[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Interesting phrase...

jones@uv4.eglin.af.mil (Calvin Jones, III) (05/08/91)

Aaron Avery <aaron@madnix.uucp> writes:

 > If you're having a particular error which is giving you problems, give
 > us a call. We're quite supportive of our products' users. 
A company that not only supports it's products, but realizes that people 
that use those products are important!

That just made my day!  (And ASDG just sent me an upgrade to ADPro last 
week.  For FREE!  And I didn't even have to write/call/bitch-via-E-mail 
to get it!)

   --- Cal
 HOBBIT   / / /  340 Meg Online
  HOLE   / / /  12/24/9600HST bps                   AMIGA:
  ____  / / /  Exclusively   Amiga
  \ \ \/ / /  "Best Amiga BBS in FL"    The computer for the BEST of us!
   \ \ \/ /  July, 1989 Final List(tm)
    \_\_\/  A comfortable place to meet
 Cal Jones, Sysop.  904-243-6219  24Hrs

keith@actrix.gen.nz (Keith Stewart) (05/08/91)

In article <52888@nigel.ee.udel.edu> "Calvin Jones, III" <jones@uv4.eglin.af.mil> writes:
> Aaron Avery <aaron@madnix.uucp> writes:
>  > If you're having a particular error which is giving you problems, give
>  > us a call. We're quite supportive of our products' users. 
>                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> A company that not only supports it's products, but realizes that people 
> that use those products are important!
> That just made my day!  (And ASDG just sent me an upgrade to ADPro last 
> week.  For FREE!  And I didn't even have to write/call/bitch-via-E-mail 
> to get it!)
>    --- Cal
>            ____
>  HOBBIT   / / /  340 Meg Online
>   HOLE   / / /  12/24/9600HST bps                   AMIGA:
>   ____  / / /  Exclusively   Amiga
>   \ \ \/ / /  "Best Amiga BBS in FL"    The computer for the BEST of us!
>    \ \ \/ /  July, 1989 Final List(tm)
>     \_\_\/  A comfortable place to meet
>  --------------------------------------
>  Cal Jones, Sysop.  904-243-6219  24Hrs
Add them Central coast Software. I just got an unsolicted upgrade to
Quarterback Tools sent all the way to New Zealand. Good company