[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga used as basis for Virtual Reality

peterc@softway.sw.oz.au (Peter Chubb) (05/08/91)

In New Scientist, April 6 1991, there is an article on page 21 that
describes a virtual reality games machine based on `a powerful version
of a Commodore Amiga home computer'.

Features include:
	1.  Stereoscopic full colour display.
	2.  Quadraphonic sound.
	3.  speech control.
	4.  Multi-player -- up to 25 people can share the same virtual

The company that is developing the machine is W Industries.  It was
launched in March at a price around 20 000 pounds sterling.

Apparently, the Amiga is used for the sound generation, but two custom
graphics processors produce the stereo imagery, one for each eye.



				- Peter Chubb