[comp.sys.amiga.misc] WANTED: VoRecOne info

njg2@po.CWRU.Edu (J. Norell Guttman) (05/08/91)

In a previous article, njg2@po.CWRU.Edu (J. Norell Guttman) says:

>In a previous article, walrus@wam.umd.edu (Udo K Schuermann) says:
>>I'm somewhat skeptical of the usefulness and accuracy of current voice
>>recognition technology.  I've heard of VoRecOne for the Amiga, but
>>before I rush out to buy one, I'd like to find out more about it.  Is
>>VoRecOne more than a toy?
>>If you have a VoRecOne, I'd be VERY interested in talking with you.
>>Responses via email, if possible.
>>Questions follow; press 'n' to skip rest of article...
>>1. Who makes VoRecOne?  Is it still supported?  What is the going
>>   price?  Where can I get one from?
>Impulse makes VoRecOne... I think it is still supported even though
>their big seller right now is Imagined.  I do not know what is the
>price right now but I picked mine up from Dr. Oxide himself for $130
>at the AmigaExpo 1 year ago in New York City.  Try Go-Amiga or 
>Compu-Save (I forget names so easily).
>>2. How difficult is 'training' the software?  How flexible?  Once
>>   trained for my voice, how difficult is it to train it to another
>>   voice?  Could multiple configurations be maintained and activated
>>   to suit the moment
>This is where VoRecOnes incredible ability and advantages lie.  There
>are comparably price voice recognition for the IBM but it is very very
>limited.  VoRecOne is not limited in practically anyway!!!!! {I do not
>know English very well}.    You can program mouse events, menus, gadgets
>{Dpaint} etc.  It is very much like making a macro .... in fact consider
>it as a event triggered macro.  For example whenever you say "dpaint" it
>will load up dpaint and select the airbrush and have the load file 
>requester.  It is compatible with practically every program that is 1.3
>compatible.  It is 100% multi-tasking so whatever window you are working
>in it activates so you can draw by saying "right 30" and it draws a straight
>line and then you can say "sonix - play" and it will switch to the 
>Sonix screen and play the song.  Programming involves knowing basic
>CLI... you have to say the word 2 to 3 times and it stores it (typically
>0.3 K meaning you can have thousands of words it will recognize depending
>on whether you have a hard drive or not).  Not only that but if you lets
>say you want to go into a word processor you can have it load another
>library of words it will recognize therefore if I say "play" in WorkBench
>it will play Sonix but if I say "ProWrite - I can play with her" it will
>load up Prowrite and type "I can play with her".  The VoRecOne program is
>highly user-friend {blows away Macs if that what you want to hear}.  You
>simply type in lets say "Music" and then say "Music" 2x and then type 
>in the next column "sonix" or any cli event.  You can program the mouse
>to move, but I already went over this... if you want certain things
>only to be specific to one program and not all you just indent and to 
>a procedure you indent more so lets say I say "sonix" it enters my 
>"sub-program" which is just a series of mouses presses I "recorded" and
>then I say "Write" and it will enter another sub-program and then I say
>"Quarter Note" and it will enter another subProgram.  I can copy these
>instructions quite easily and save them.  If my brother wants to use 
>it all he does is say the words and then save the voice recognition file(s)
>under a different name.  Therefore my entire family can have their own
>files which work only when they use it.  It should take around 2 minutes
>for 50 words but once they do that they will never have to say those
>50 words again (unless your brother starts deleting their files).
>>3. How accurate is VoRecOne?  How does VoRecOne handle errors?  Does
>>   the software provide some sort of error handling?  Are there any
>>   specific weaknesses that limit its usefulness?
>	This seems to be a problem.  Unfortunately I am not
>quite qualified to judge it for accuracy since I have a speech impediment 
>and so does my brother (we both slur our words and mispronounce).  
>VoRecOne however does not fail when it comes to accents or even
>languages ... my Japanese friends when I was in high school (without
>any previous Amiga experience) taught the Amiga to be a translator
>by them saying "Oyasuminasei" the told the amiga with the Say command
>{I taught them that} "Good Evening" and they were having a whole
>bunch of fun.  It can do any language all someone has to do is make a
>template which these kids made and have some Israeli say
>for instance "Shalom", "Slecha", "Me zeh", and the Amiga would translate.
>However there was a trade-off between accuracy and size of the samples.
>When you buy VoRecOne you will be very unimpressed with the garage type
>of operation it appears to have been produced with.  The engineers 
>essentially produced a cheap sampler which compares the sample with
>preproduced patterns.  The samples are only .3K on the average for a
>1 to 2 syllable word but that means that the samples were taken at
>a very low rate.  In other words if there are two samples that are
>alike such as "red" and "rod" then it might select the one you did not
>intend.  Another thing because something to do with the frequency of
>deep voices (its low sampling rate or something has difficulty) it
>will not really work that much.  It is best if you are a girl or
>prepubescent boy.  Also you can not change your voice all the time
>unless you want to make different voice files so you have the mourning
>voice which is all horse and the evening voice which sounds quite different.
>It can even vary after you eat.  It can work really well if you
>know how to control you voice (modulate) and if it is rather high
>>4. How quick is VoRecOne?  Does it take forever to use; would using
>>   mouse and keyboard be faster?  Does an accellerated Amiga work
>>   better, or is the processing done outside the Amiga?
>	It is quite fast but that depends on how many words it has to
>select from and compare to.  It works pretty well on my unaccelearated
>Amiga 500 with 1 meg.  The box as I said before is just a sampler and
>all the magic is in the Amiga.  I guess it would work better in a A3000
>but I do not know.  With regard to the keyboard and mouse control it 
>depends... can you talk fast and enancaite clearly.  It depends wether
>you can type like me 60 wpm or finger type.  It depends whether you 
>like to like in bed and call up your favorite songs without lifting 
>a finger.  If you type scietific documents {that would be a bit difficult
>I guess) or if your words are less than 5 syllables.  It is those
>a wonderfull tool.  Remember in StarTrek the Movie II when Scotty goes
>to the Mac and starts talking to the mouse until realizing that it
>does not have voice recognition.  Well your Amiga has it NOW... the 
>possibilities are endless.
>>5. Will the software run on an accellerated Amiga?  How about a 3000
>>   with KickStart 2.0?  What system resources are required?  How much
>>   CPU time does the software eat?
>	I do not know...
>>6. Is there a programmer's interface so that I could get close to the
>>   hardware if I so choose?  How does VoRecOne interface with the
>>   Amiga?
>	Contact impulse...
>>7. Any other comments you'd like to offer?
>	I would recommend if you speak clearly more as a gadget unless
>you have somewhat of a high voice and willing to put the initial effort
>it takes.  It will surely sell Amigas left and right!  Of course first
>go to some dealer or Expo before buying it to determine if your voice is
>up to par or VoRecOne is up to par with you.
>DISCLAIMER: I have never worked with Impulse.  My only contact with
>them was through the purchase of VoRecOne.  I will not be held 
>responcible in any way for the above information.  Caveat Emptor!
>I do not know by the way how to write proper disclaimers as you
>have noticed!
>>Thank you in advance for any information you have to offer!
>> ._.  Udo Schuermann	  "Does he talk?  DOES HE TALK?" -- "Of course I talk.
>> ( )  walrus@wam.umd.edu   I'm the Minister for Internal Affairs." -- M.Python
>==============|njg2@po.cwru.edu|J.Norell Guttman|ClassCWRU'94|=================
>Ugh....{RunDMC)   "It can only be expressed in silence"- Norell Guttman     //
>{LLCoolJ}     My .sig file has been crushed by a 1600 lbs. Case chic!!! \\ // 
>{Ghetto Boys} It will soon be fixed!{Salt'N'Pepper,HeavyD}    Only Amiga \X/ 
==============|njg2@po.cwru.edu|J.Norell Guttman|ClassCWRU'94|=================
Ugh....{RunDMC)   "It can only be expressed in silence"- Norell Guttman     //
{LLCoolJ}     My .sig file has been crushed by a 1600 lbs. Case chic!!! \\ // 
{Ghetto Boys} It will soon be fixed!{Salt'N'Pepper,HeavyD}    Only Amiga \X/