[comp.sys.amiga.misc] European Amiga FTP sites

dmbyrd@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu (Dan Madison Byrd) (05/07/91)

Does anyone know of any FTP sites in Europe that carry Amiga pd stuff?
I think he's specifically looking for french amiga pd stuff...


Dan Byrd

Just sittin' here wishin' on a cement floor      |
just wishing that I had just somethin' you wore  |
run outside in the desert heat                   |
make your dress all wet, and send it to me...    |       --The Pixies 

bdraschk@immd4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de (Bernd Raschke) (05/08/91)

dmbyrd@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu (Dan Madison Byrd) writes:

>Does anyone know of any FTP sites in Europe that carry Amiga pd stuff?
>I think he's specifically looking for french amiga pd stuff...
I don't know about France and french stuff, but in germany i know

faui43.informatik.uni-erlangen.de   /portal/amiga
minnehaha.rhrk.uni-kl.de   /pub/amiga


>Dan Byrd

>Just sittin' here wishin' on a cement floor      |
>just wishing that I had just somethin' you wore  |
>run outside in the desert heat                   |
>make your dress all wet, and send it to me...    |       --The Pixies 
Bernd 'The Real Arthur!' Raschke           |Only //
bdraschk@faui09.informatik.uni-erlangen.de | \\ // Amiga
hartmannstr. 129 8520 erlangen 09131 38244 |  \X/ makes it possible
                         "Dead men don't wear plaid!"

ayrjola@hut.fi (Ari Yrj|l{) (05/09/91)

In article <1991May7.164039.4119@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu> dmbyrd@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu (Dan Madison Byrd) writes:

   Does anyone know of any FTP sites in Europe that carry Amiga pd stuff?
   I think he's specifically looking for french amiga pd stuff...

nic.funet.fi ( in Finland has lot's of amiga stuff, most
of the Fish disks, gcc stuff and many times the latest 'hot stuff'
from ab20. /pub/amiga is the place to start.

Dunno any french ftp sites, sorry..

Ari  Yrj|l{       Internet:  ayrjola@hut.fi          /
JMT 3B 231b       BITNET :   LK-AY AT FINHUT        / Money talks -
02150 ESPOO       UUCP :  ..!mcsun!santra!ayrjola  /  but not to me
Finland, Europe   VoiceNet: +358-(9)0-468 3088   :/