[comp.sys.amiga.misc] My A3000/25/50 seems a bit slow... Why?

dean@coplex.uucp (Dean Brooks) (05/08/91)

  I just bought my Amiga 3000 25MHZ 50MB, and everything seems to be working
great.  The only thing is that I was expecting many program to be BLAZINGly
fast.  It seems to be a bit on the slow side, especially for a 25MHZ version.

  My dealer just put 2.03 on the machine, if that might have anything to
do with it.  Perhaps there is something I haven't set up correctly.  Anyway,
I am almost positive the machines on display at my dealer seemed much

  Also, is DPaint III written to take advantage of the A3000's power?  The
DPaint III at the store seemed MUCH faster than DPaint II here on my 3000.

  Anyone know?

dean@coplex.uucp (Dean Brooks)
Copper Electronics, Inc.
Louisville, Kentucky

rblewitt@sdcc6.ucsd.edu (Richard Blewitt) (05/08/91)

In article <1991May8.022802.19449@coplex.uucp> dean@coplex.uucp (Dean Brooks) writes:
>  I just bought my Amiga 3000 25MHZ 50MB, and everything seems to be working
>great.  The only thing is that I was expecting many program to be BLAZINGly
>fast.  It seems to be a bit on the slow side, especially for a 25MHZ version.
>  Also, is DPaint III written to take advantage of the A3000's power?  The
>DPaint III at the store seemed MUCH faster than DPaint II here on my 3000.

One word sums up your problem: RAM.  With Kickstart sucking up 1/2
meg of fast ram, and Workbench and any utilities you run taking up 
the other 1/2 meg, you have no fast ram left.  I highly recomend
that you add 4 megs worth of 1Mx4 SC ZIPS.  The speed increase is


The generic .sig          Rick Blewitt     rblewitt@ucsd.edu

zerkle@iris.ucdavis.edu (Dan Zerkle) (05/08/91)

In article <1991May8.022802.19449@coplex.uucp> dean@coplex.uucp (Dean Brooks) writes:
>  I just bought my Amiga 3000 25MHZ 50MB, and everything seems to be working
>great.  The only thing is that I was expecting many program to be BLAZINGly
>fast.  It seems to be a bit on the slow side, especially for a 25MHZ version.

How much memory do you presently have in it?  If you have just the 2
megabytes that came with it, that's the reason.  Between Kickstart
(512K) and Workbench (maybe 200K), there's not much fast memory left,
so your programs run out of chip memory.  Programs run MUCH slower
from chip memory on the 3000, since fast memory on the motherboard is
right on the CPU bus.

I added 4 megs to get 6 (2 chip, 4 fast).  I ran some before/after
benchmarks.  I don't remember the exact numbers, but certain programs
ran MUCH faster with the extra memory, since they could run completely
out of fast memory.

You don't need to add this much memory.  If you add just one more
megabyte, you will have substantially more fast memory, since you have
so little now.

           Dan Zerkle  zerkle@iris.eecs.ucdavis.edu  (916) 754-0240
           Amiga...  Because life is too short for boring computers.

barrett@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Dan Barrett) (05/09/91)

In article <1991May8.022802.19449@coplex.uucp> dean@coplex.uucp (Dean Brooks) writes:
>  Also, is DPaint III written to take advantage of the A3000's power?  The
>DPaint III at the store seemed MUCH faster than DPaint II here on my 3000.

	DPaint III is faster than DPaint II anyway.  Try a few area fills
and see the difference.


| Dan Barrett, Department of Computer Science      Johns Hopkins University |
| INTERNET:   barrett@cs.jhu.edu           |                                |
| COMPUSERVE: >internet:barrett@cs.jhu.edu | UUCP:   barrett@jhunix.UUCP    |

billsey@nesbbx.UUCP (Bill Seymour) (05/10/91)

In article <1991May8.022802.19449@coplex.uucp>, Dean Brooks writes:

>   I just bought my Amiga 3000 25MHZ 50MB, and everything seems to be working
> great.  The only thing is that I was expecting many program to be BLAZINGly
> fast.  It seems to be a bit on the slow side, especially for a 25MHZ version.
>   My dealer just put 2.03 on the machine, if that might have anything to
> do with it.  Perhaps there is something I haven't set up correctly.  Anyway,
> I am almost positive the machines on display at my dealer seemed much
> faster.
>   Also, is DPaint III written to take advantage of the A3000's power?  The
> DPaint III at the store seemed MUCH faster than DPaint II here on my 3000.
>   Anyone know?

	Sounds like the system your dealer has set up has more fast ram than
yours does. Remember that on your system (1M chip mem, 1M fast mem) with 2.0
loaded, you use almost all of your fast ram. Kickstart uses 512K, the rest
of your system uses some more... Move those chips for the 1M of fast to the
chip ram sockets and drop 4M of the 1Mx4 SCRAMs in. You'll see a sensational
improvement in speed.
	I've had several people on my BBS lately buy the eight chips needed
to bring your system up to 4M of fast ram, and the going price seems to be
about $28/chip, or $224 total.

> dean@coplex.uucp (Dean Brooks)
> Copper Electronics, Inc.
> Louisville, Kentucky
  -Bill Seymour     nesbbx!billsey@agora.uucp or nesbbx!billsey@agora.rain.com
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