[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Manual Cover with no serial number

HOWELL@whitman.BITNET (DAVE HOWELL) (05/11/91)

Date sent:  10-MAY-1991 12:57:27

My apologies if this is a duplicate. I have to post via a bizarre gateway
trick, and it bounced, so I don't know if the first message made it.


Well, I'm gearing up to get me a 3000, and I can't find any covers or pages
with any serial numbers! My "Getting To Know Your A500" (or whatever it's
called, the not-AmigaBasic manual) has "Preliminary" stamped in red on the
cover, and nothing else inside. Wrong manual? Mistake on Commodore's Part?
Any *other* way of establishing ownership?

| Dave Howell                                                    bix: dhowell |
|  User Support Specialist                            Bitnet: HOWELL@WHITMAN  |
|   Whitman College                         Internet: howell@whitman.bitnet   |
|    "Petulance...I love that in a man."  --  Christina McGee, _The_Flash_    |

jph@ais.org (Joseph Hillenburg) (05/11/91)


>Date sent:  10-MAY-1991 12:57:27
>Well, I'm gearing up to get me a 3000, and I can't find any covers or pages
>with any serial numbers! My "Getting To Know Your A500" (or whatever it's
>called, the not-AmigaBasic manual) has "Preliminary" stamped in red on the
>cover, and nothing else inside. Wrong manual? Mistake on Commodore's Part?
>Any *other* way of establishing ownership?

Look at the bottom (A500) or back (A1000/2000/2500/3000/3000T <- Lucky!)
and get the serial number from there. Then write it in yourself.
Joseph Hillenburg