[comp.sys.amiga.misc] NeXT General Educational Disqucount?

accangel@amix.commodore.com (Mark Gardner) (05/11/91)

vencgr@wwc1.UUCP (Gregory D. Vence) writes:

> Hello,
> 	I'm looking for info on a General edu discount for NeXT machines,
> the college I'm attending isn't registered, or whatever.  Is there a discount
> in general or only at affiliated schools?
> 	Also, what is the going edu rates for an '040' with 8-bit graphics?
> 	Thanx, I'm looking to switch,
> 		Greg.
While I won't flame you for switching from Amiga to NeXT (that's for 
c.s.a.advocacy :^),  I will tell you this much: you're in the wrong 
newsgroup.  You really think you'll find quotes on NeXT prices in ANY 
Amiga group?

> +---------------------------------------------+--------------------------+
> I Greg Vence -- KH2EA/7 (Yeah, Guam is home)  I Amiga gets the job done. I
> I vencgr%wwc1@hpspkla.spk.hp.com              I (usually)                I
> +---------------------------------------------+--------------------------+

 -Mark Gardner
  "With the NeXT slab, you get a rock.  With the Amiga, you get a 

Mark Gardner

UUCP: uunet!cbmvax!amix!undrground!accangel
Internet: undrground!accangel@amix.commodore.com