[comp.sys.amiga.misc] ICD AdSpeed Test Results!

blf@wookumz.gnu.ai.mit.edu (Bill Frandsen) (05/11/91)

ICD AdSpeed Test Results:  (4 Megs fast Ram, 1 Meg Chip Ram, A2000)
Other hardware: Supra WordSync Hard Card (ST-157-N1 Drive), Supra 4/8 mem.
All tests were done with fast memory on, speed increase w/o fast ram is
minimal (between 5 and 10 percent only).
AIBB3 Test: 7.32MHz - 14.80MHz (% incr)
----------- ------- - -------- --------
WritePixel:   45.74 -   32.38  ( 41.3%)
DhryStone:  1009d/s - 1736d/s  ( 72.2%)
Matrix:      115.20 -   63.68  ( 80.9%)
Fibonacci:    98.44 -   58.76  ( 67.6%)
Sieve:        34.60 -   18.36  ( 88.5%)
Sort:         20.34 -   10.58  ( 92.2%)
LLines:       22.02 -   21.30  (  3.4%)
IMath:        78.86 -   42.22  ( 86.8%)
FMath:        90.72 -   52.08  ( 74.2%)
Savage:      428.72 -  230.92  ( 85.7%)
FMatrix:      98.10 -   55.52  ( 76.7%)
BeachBall:  1075.02 -  586.40  ( 83.3%)
Kramden SI:  7 Mhz  -  14 Mhz  (% incr)
----------- ------- - -------- -------- 
Integer:       1.0  -    2.0   (100.0%)
Floating Pt:   1.0  -    2.0   (100.0%)
(IBM INT:)     3.3  -    6.6   (100.0%)
(IBM FP:)      7.7  -   14.6   ( 89.6%)
SysInfo2.0:     7.25Mhz - 14.5Mhz (% incr) Chip Only:
--------------- ------- - ------- -------- ----------
A500   STANDARD   1.33  -   2.55  ( 55.0%)  1.00 1.07
B2000 EXTRA RAM   1.00  -   1.94  ( 94.0%)   .77  .81
B2000 GVP A3001    .12  -    .24  (100.0%)   .09  .10
A2500     A2620    .38  -    .74  ( 94.7%)   .29  .31
A3000     25MHz    .17  -    .32  ( 88.2%)   .13  .13
IBM       PC/XT   4.34  -   8.32  ( 91.7%)  3.31 3.49
LZ 1.01:  7 MHz - 14 MHz (% incr)
--------- ----- - ------ --------
Create:    3:04 -  5:10  ( 68.5%)
Dissolve:  1:28 -  2:31  ( 71.6%)
(Tests were done from Fast Ram to Fast Ram)
(using all three Test Drive II course scenery directories)
(601299 orig, 350476 arcd, 41% compression, 86 files)
The A64 Package: C64 - 7 MHz - 14 MHz (% incr)
---------------- --- - ----- - ------ -------
1000 iterations   60 -  139  -    77  ( 80.5%)
10000 iterations 600 - 1455  -   806  ( 80.5%)
Program was:     ^^^ A real C-64, x/60'th of a sec.
1 TI$="000000":FORA=0TO 999:NEXT:PRINT TI
2 TI$="000000":FORA=0TO9999:NEXT:PRINT TI
This is a little better list of the real results of the increase in speed
as compared to plain "count" tests.  My package included instructions
about using with the Xetec HD Interfaces, and the GVP series controllers.
It will NOT work with the bridgeboard, in fact if you have a hard drive
WITH a Bridgeboard, and boot MS-DOS from a hard drive partition,
you must have the jumper set at 7MHz otherwise it will lock up the system
when booting.  To use the Bridgeboard, you must turn off the acclerator
the whole time you are using the Janus software by using the software
switch program (9k, loaded all the time as a process).
For $215 + $6 shipping, the best place to buy currently (They have them
in stock, unlike many of their competitors) is Manta, in New Jersey.
Arrived to North Dakota via UPS Ground in 8 days.
Their number is: 1-(800)-477-7706 - See ads in Amiga World.