[comp.sys.amiga.misc] I wish to upgrade my A500 and would like some advice.

t20l011@ucscl.UCSC.EDU (10024011) (02/17/91)

	Hello Amiganoids out there.  I have an A500 with a meg and would like
to upgrade to something bigger, better and more expensive.  :-)
	I have about $1700 (US) and would like to get the Bodega Bay and either
the BridgeBoard or ATonce.  I need your advice on which to get. I want to find
out about compatibility, if it is possible to connect a high density disk drive
to it, how fast they are.  The usual stuff.
	I want to know which hard drive is the best to use.  Speed is very 
important as is memory that can be added.  The best one I have seen is the
GVP series II.  
	Would it be worth it to try to sell my A500 and buy a new A2000?  This
would have the ECS in it right?  Then I wouldn't have to buy Bodega Bay, but
what other advantages would I have in doing that?
	I'm sure that there are lots of other A500 owners so you may want to
post a reply instead of mailing me.  I really need some advice because I want
an Amiga that won't be obsolete in 2 months.
					Thanks in advance,

pk1s+@andrew.cmu.edu (Paul A. Karlin) (05/11/91)

You may want to consider the A3000 power-up program.  I think the lowest
configuration is about $1800-$1900 for the A3000-16/50 (16MHz, 50MB HD,
2MB(?) RAM).  All you have to do is prove you own a Commodore product. 
It's not a trade-in, so you can sell your A500 to pay for the $100-$200
difference and whatever a new monitor will cost.  The 1950 is OK (and
there's an educational discount available), but I have heard that there
are a lot of problems with it.  You may want to try third-party;  I
heard that the NEC 4D MultiSync is excellent (but possibly very

As for hard drives and BridgeBoards and such, the A3000 comes with the
A2091 controller, which is a perfectly functional (and pretty fast)
autobooting controller.  I assure you, though, that ANY working hard
drive is a drastic improvement over floppies only.  I have heard mixed
opinions of BridgeBoard and ATonce;  the BridgeBoards are slow and
expensive but offer software AND hardware IBM-compatibility, and I
believe ATonce only works with a 68000 (the A3000 is 68030).  There is
a public-domain (or shareware?) program called "IBeM" (available via
anonymous FTP) which is a software-only IBM emulator that works
on the 68020 or '030 Amigas.  I haven't tried it (I also have "only"
an A500), but from what I've heard it's decent.

The A3000 has the ECS and Workbench/Kickstart 2.0 (which may or may not
be good -- if you play a lot of games you may have some problems), so
it sure won't be obsolete in 2 months.  From what I hear, Workbench
2.03 (the latest release of 2.0) is about 90% compatible with 1.3, and
I believe that number includes games.  I do know that someone is
maintaining a list of 2.0-compatible software, and it is periodically
posted to one of the Amiga newsgroups.

I personally feel that the A500 will not be obsolete for quite a while
(most Amigas are A500s), but I understand why you want to upgrade.  I
plan to just get a HD+controller (hopefully GVP+Quantum if I can afford
it) for my machine.

I hope this helps... please keep in mind I'm not sure if my info is 100%

P.S.  Please note I have directed follow-ups to .hardware only.

--Paul Karlin
Carnegie Mellon University -- Pittsburgh, PA -- Undergraduate Class of 1994
Carnegie Mellon University -- Pittsburgh, PA -- Undergraduate Class of 1994