[comp.sys.amiga.misc] For Sale

troyb@pro-graphics.cts.com (Troy Barlow) (01/21/91)

 For sale:

  1 Amiga 286 Bridge Board
  1 5-1/4" drive (comes with it)
  1 32 meg hard card
  1 16 bit VGA board
  All original manuals/disks/DOS etc. included
  In perfect condition

  Price: $900    (Set will not be broken up!)

  If interested call me at (201)422-0101 during business hours (9:30am EST
 to 6:00pm EST), or reply here!

  Troy Barlow
-- Troy Barlow

 Pro-Graphics BBS  908/469-0049  "It's better than a sharp stick in the eye!"

Internet: troyb@pro-graphics.cts.com
    UUCP: crash!pro-graphics!troyb
    ARPA: crash!pro-graphics!troyb@nosc.mil

msmith@amix.commodore.com (Mike Smith) (05/12/91)

Peavey Series 400 Bass Amp w/ Cabinet (2 12's and 1 18" Black Widow 
Speakers), Internal crossover, Bi-Amp. 800w total. $1000.00
Fender Jazz Bass - Good condition - Original pickups etc.. $600.00

Mike Smith

UUCP: uunet!cbmvax!amix!undrground!msmith
Internet: undrground!msmith@amix.commodore.com