[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Coleco-Trackball to Mouse- How to do it?

technews@iitmax.iit.edu (Kevin Kadow) (05/12/91)

I've got a ColecoVision Trackball which I'd like to use on my amiga- it has:

A power cord to get the +5 volts from the coleco supply (since they stupidly
didn't put it onto the DB9 joystick jacks

TWO (bonded) joystick cables which have ALL NINE WIRES!

TWO DB9 male plugs, so you can use regular josticks

TWO independently wired!!! fire buttons (actually 4, they have 2 for each
 of the joysticks)

And a Joystick/Trackball switch (like atari) so you can have it emulate a

Inside there's a large number of IC's, none of which are socketed.

I suppose I *could* junk the circuit board and install a new board, but one
of the sets of LEDs is mounted to the board...


technews@iitmax.iit.edu                           kadokev@iitvax (bitnet)
                         My Employer Disagrees.