[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Upgrading in Europe

hgschmie@immd4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de (Henning Schmiedehausen) (05/11/91)


A question to the sales folks at Commodore:

Will the upgrading program also be available in europe (especially
germany?)? Remember, Commo sells *lots* of computers in europe and
it would be only fair now, not to let us down.

Or, will you upgrade Commodore computers, that are bought in 
europe? It would be cheaper to me, take my users' guide and a tooth
brush, enter the plane to the US, buy my Amiga 3000 there with the
Power-Up program, ship it to Europe, pay all fees and taxes, do a nice
one-week holiday in California, than buying it over here in germany!


ONLY  ///    Real: Henning Schmiedehausen         | Logik? Logik und Berechen-
 __  ///     INT:  hgschmie@immd4.uni-erlangen.de | barkeit? Was ist das?
 \\\///      UUCP: henning@castle.erh.sub.org     | Kann man das essen?
  \XX/ AMIGA 1510 -- UUCP 1.12D | Commissioner SubNet Electronic Football League

dvljhg@cs.umu.se (J|rgen Holmberg) (05/13/91)

In article <1991May11.103439.29085@informatik.uni-erlangen.de> hgschmie@immd4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de (Henning Schmiedehausen) writes:
>A question to the sales folks at Commodore:
>Will the upgrading program also be available in europe (especially
>germany?)? Remember, Commo sells *lots* of computers in europe and
>it would be only fair now, not to let us down.
>Or, will you upgrade Commodore computers, that are bought in 
>europe? It would be cheaper to me, take my users' guide and a tooth
>brush, enter the plane to the US, buy my Amiga 3000 there with the
>Power-Up program, ship it to Europe, pay all fees and taxes, do a nice
>one-week holiday in California, than buying it over here in germany!
>	Ciao
>		Henning

Interesting, it would actually be cheaper for me to take a trip to germany
and buy a 3000 with all costs. With the power-up deal I could throw in a long
holiday and still come up with a handsome sum to spend on extra memory,
harddisk etc. The fact that I won't get any support is also moot since I don't
expect that even if I buy one here in sweden. Food for thought...

email dvljhg@cs.umu.se | DUMII: Sentinel of the scales
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